
There are 8 repositories under continuum-robotics topic.

  • ContinuumRobotExamples


    An incremental guide to continuum robot mathematical modeling and numerical implementation. The examples are divided into chapters within the folder structure, and each chapter contains a PDF and code examples.

  • SoRoSim/SoRoSim

    SoRoSim: A MATLAB Toolbox for Hybrid Soft-Rigid Robots

  • Shaswat2001/continuum_robot_rviz

    This repository visualises a single section tendon driven continuum robot based on Piecewise Constant Curvature (PCC) method using ROS and RVIZ

  • arclab-hku/AeCoM_Aerial-Continuum-Manipulator

    Jun, 2021 - Mar, 2023. Adaptive Robotic Controls Lab (ArcLab), The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Manuscript received 15 November 2022; accepted 9 March 2023. This work was supported by the General Research Fund under Grant 17204222, and in part by the Seed Funding for Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Scheme and Platform Technology Fund.

  • Shaswat2001/INN_Continuum_Robot

    Repository for "Inverse Kinematics of Tendon Driven Continuum Robots using Invertible Neural Network" (CompAuto 2022)

  • YasPHP/Continuum-Robotics

    Implemented calibration and computer-vision algorithms for an existing multi-camera system to capture the motion and shape sense of neurosurgical tendon-driven continuum robots under the Continuum Robotics Laboratory and University of Toronto Robotics Institute.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17212
  • fcpedrosa/Concentric-Tube-Robot

    C++ static library for implementing the forward and inverse kinematics of a three-tube concentric tube robot (CTR) based on the Cosserat Theory.

  • NavidFeizi/DeepKoopman_catheter_model

    A deeplearning based Koopman approach for modeling the nonlinear dynamics of tendon driven continuum robots.
