
There are 26 repositories under conv3d topic.

  • AhmetHamzaEmra/Intelegent_Lock

    lock mechanism with face recognition and liveness detection

  • karolzak/conv3d-video-action-recognition

    My experimentation around action recognition in videos. Contains Keras implementation for C3D network based on original paper "Learning Spatiotemporal Features with 3D Convolutional Networks", Tran et al. and it includes video processing pipelines coded using mPyPl package. Model is being benchmarked on popular UCF101 dataset and achieves results similar to those reported by authors

  • Ankita18Mandal/LungCT_Diagnosis

    Repository processes CT scanned images of human Lungs , which are in DICOM image format. Visualises the data in 3D and trains a 3D convolution network on the data after preprocessing.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook212410
  • shawnhan108/AutoTruckX

    An experimental project for autonomous vehicle driving perception with steering angle prediction and semantic segmentation using a combination of UNet, attention and transformers.

  • Moeinh77/3D-Convs-for-MRI-Classification

    Gender classification on 3D IXI Brain MRI dataset with Keras and Tensorflow

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7201
  • AI-Unipi/Image3DGenerator

    A python class compatible with TensorFlow to perform data augmentation on 3D objects during CNN training.

  • Gigi-G/C3D-PyTorch-Lightning

    This repository contains my personal code for the paper Learning Spatiotemporal Features with 3D Convolutional Networks by Du Tran, Lubomir Bourdev, Rob Fergus, Lorenzo Torresani, Manohar Paluri.

  • KY-HDC/2d_to_3d

    This repo is for the people who want to utilize conv3d for building 3dgan models.

  • ChaitanyaC22/Deep_Learning_Hand_Gesture_Recognition_Project

    The objective of this project is to recognize hand gestures using state-of-the-art neural networks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • midusi/lsa64_nn

    Experiments for the article "A Comparison of Neural Networks for Sign Language Recognition with LSA64" (JCC 2021)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3301
  • Hand-Gesture-Recognition-system


    Imagine you are working as a data scientist at a home electronics company which manufactures state of the art smart televisions. You want to develop a cool feature in the smart-TV that can recognize five different gestures performed by the user which will help users control the TV without using a remote.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • neemiasbsilva/cnn-apply-3Dmnist

    A Simple Three Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks approach

  • o-ikne/Data-Science-Mini-Projects

    Data science Mini projects

  • sancharee/HandGestureRecognition-using-3D-Conv-and-CNN-RNN-Stack

    Hand gesture recognition using convolutional neural network and recurrent neural network

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • EbubeImoh/contexual-video-analysis-tool

    Context Understanding from Videos analyzes video content by extracting frames and audio, then detecting objects, faces, emotions, and actions. It uses Python with OpenCV, MoviePy, and YOLO. Future plans include embedding models for improved context analysis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • MohamedHamayed/Fight_Detection_From_Surveillance_Cameras-PyTorch_Project

    Fight Detection From Surveillance Cameras by fine-tuning a PyTorch Pretrained Model

  • Pradeep23-01/ViSpEr

    Real-Time Visual Speech and Emotion Recognition (ViSpEr) an end-to-end neural network for the low-resource visual speech and facial emotion recognition task, using 3D CNNs and LSTMs

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • rahul-ranjan-ds/gesture-recognition

    Hand Gesture Recognition using Deep Learning Framework

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • and-buk/Learning-from-Pixels

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ayan-chattaraj/gesture_recognition

    My team partner and I did this project where we developed a feature in a company’s smart TV that can recognise five different predetermined gestures performed by the user, which will help users control the TV without using a remote.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • bipin-odattil/gesture-recognition-smartTV

    Develop a conv3D model that can recognise five different gestures performed by the user which will help users control the TV without using a remote

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • Gesture-Control---Conv3D-RNN-LSTM


    Transform TV control with Gesture Recognition! Enable intuitive interaction with smart TVs using gestures built using Conv3D, CNN & RNN

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • jihyejjang/Child-Abuse-Detection

    어린이집 CCTV로 학대상황 감지

  • kaurdilpreet56/Gesture-Recognition

    Gesture Recognition

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • NeethuMariaTom/Hand_Gesture_Recognition

    Develop a cool feature in the smart-TV that can recognise five different gestures performed by the user which will help users control the TV without using a remote.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • djdhairya/Lip-Reading

    Lip reading using TensorFlow, OpenCV, and Keras involves training a deep learning model to recognize spoken words by analyzing lip movements from video frames. The process starts with OpenCV for capturing and preprocessing video frames, focusing on the speaker’s lips. These frames are then fed into a neural network built using Keras and TensorFlow.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook