
There are 4 repositories under correlation-graphs topic.

  • jithinkc22j/Image_Correlation

    This Matlab code is used to find the Correlation of plain and cipher images.

  • theodcr/corregraphe

    💃 Correlation graphs with NetworkX

  • Divya171997/Analysing-Factor-Affecting-GDP

    Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization-GDP is one of the most important indicator in determining the performance of country economy.The significant factors affecting gdp are population,agriculture,service,industry,health,migration,urban and obesity which are recorded in the dataset. Null hypothesis is that population,agriculture,service,industry,health,migration,urban and obesity are the factors not affecting the gdp per capita of the countries. By analyzing the data we have to find out whether or not these factors affecting gdp per capita of the country. For undergoing the analysis,we have used CIA_Factsheet dataset that records different factors affecting gdp of the countries for the year 2016.Briefly factors has been described and stated hypothesis has been validated.

  • hgropper/Unsupervised-Learning

    We look at the structure of data and not its corresponding output Y. By looking at the structure of data we can better understand the given data. We can do this using various unsupervised machine learning algorithms, but in this case I am using an autoencoder to model the structure of the inputs.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100