
There are 56 repositories under costa-rica topic.

  • CostaRica_CG

  • API_Hacienda_CostaRica

    API Rest para conectar con el Ministerio de Hacienda Costa Rica

  • Kaggle-CostaRica-Poverty

    Kaggle: Costa Rican Household Poverty Level Prediction competition. Completed in the Top 7% of the competition.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • poverty-prediction-and-analysis

    poverty prediction and analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • musica-nacional-bot

    Bot de recomendaciones de música de Costa Rica

  • Asadas-TEC

    Sistema de Automatización de Asadas de Costa Rica

  • api-geo-cr

    🗺️ A comprehensive API for Costa Rica's provinces, cantons, and districts. Built with NestJS and a hexagonal architecture for scalability and clean code. Perfect for developers building location-based applications. 🚀

  • torneo-aecci-2024

    Sitio web para las partidas del torneo de ajedrez alojado por la AECCI el 8 de octubre de 2024. Sitio estático generado por Sevilla (JBF Software).

  • DataAnalysis

    Dedicado al análisis de datos.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • ColonesExchangeRate

    This repository contains a NuGet & npm package to provide currency conversion from Colones (Costa Rica - CRC ₡) to Dollars (United States - USD $) and Euros (European Union - EUR €). It consumes the API from Ministerio de Hacienda de Costa Rica (The API is in Spanish).

  • regional-config-reg-file-CR

    Archivo de registro para uso desde XP a W11, Microsoft por alguna razón piensa que en Costa Rica usamos hora militar en W11, el archivo sirve para usar la configuración regional que se usa en W7 y anteriores eso es todo. Créditos a NCQ SA por haber creado el archivo.

  • libertadfinanciera-backend

    Libertad financiera API

  • python-job-costa-rica

    Hiring a Back End Software Engineer in Costa Rica

  • Analysis-of-the-employment-situation-in-Costa-Rica-2018-2022

    This is an analysis with data extracted from the INEC in order to identify the changes that occurred in the Costa Rican labor market before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • nsspyre-landingpage

    landing page of company

  • klBackend

    backend RESTful API for klApp build in nest.js

  • ngrx-test

    Simple test of state management with ngrx for angular

  • cr_poverty

    A folder for the Inter-American Development Bank's 2018 Costa Rican Household Poverty Prediction Challenge

    Language:Jupyter Notebook