
There are 8 repositories under count-vectoriation topic.

  • shanuhalli/Project-Resume-Classification

    The document classification solution should significantly reduce the manual human effort in the HRM. It should achieve a higher level of accuracy and automation with minimal human intervention.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • jacquie0583/Hottest-Topics-in-Machine-Learning

    Neural Information Processing Systems is one of the top machine learning conferences in the world where groundbreaking work is published. In this Project, we analyzed a large collection of NIPS research papers from the past decade to discover the latest trends in machine learning. The techniques used here to handle large amounts of data can be applied to other text datasets as well.Familiarity with Python and pandas is required to complete this Project, as well as experience with Natural Language Processing in Python, sklearn specifically.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • deleusis/Data-Science-NLP

    Machine Learning For Texts -- Study Project for Yandex Practicum

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • sanjolisrivastava/nlp-sentiment-analysis

    Mini project for predicting customer sentiment/satisfaction from 2000+ Amazon customer reviews using sentiment analysis in Python.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ShubhamMore4/Project-Resume_Classification

    Resume classification is the task that automatically categorizes resumes or CVs into predefined domain categories or classes based on their content. This task is essential for the job recruitment process, particularly when organizations receive a large number of applications for various positions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • Aman-Gupta-Ji/Chat-Bot

  • Annarhysa/Spam-Classifier

    Building a basic spam classifier with Tf-IDF Vectorizer and Naïve Bayes model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook