
There are 8 repositories under coviddata topic.

  • shaheennamboori/CovidData_From_Aug04

    A repository personaly for me to keep track of covid 19 daily cases count in kerala and a graphical representation comparing it to the previous two days.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3102
  • Aditee5/Stats-Stars

    Business Analyst Portfolio

  • Lilytreasure/Covidtracker

    A Covid 19 Tracking application-API integrated

  • kundroomajid/twitter_plugin

    An Apache Airflow plugin used to automatically fetch media update related to covid19 from official account of @diprjk, processes it and converts into a csv file on daily basis

  • rahul2810/covid19app

    Mobile responsive SPA built to spread awareness of Covid19. App also pulls live Covid19 Statistical data from public Apis. Built of pure Angular and CSS (Flex-box & Grid). Deployed over Google Firebase.

  • rutikeyone/covid-19-tracker

    This application allows you to determine the total number of cases of infection, the number of recoveries and deaths in the country or around the world.

  • shubhanghere/CoronaMetrics-Dashboard

    In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. This project was all about digging into COVID-19 data and turning it into easy-to-understand visuals. ,used SQL to sift through heaps of information on the pandemic, like how many people got sick, where it happened the most, and how testing and vaccinations were going.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • xax/covid

    Covid-19 data visualization
