
There are 17 repositories under covolution-neural-network topic.

  • lizhaoliu-Lec/ImageAestheticAssessmentPyTorch

    Image Aesthetic Assessment in PyTorch with implemented popular datasets and models (possibly providing the pretrained ones).

  • AbhiFutureTech/Keras-ImageClassifier

    We will use keras fashion MNIST dataset. This consist of 60000 28X28 pixel images and 10000 test images, these images are classified in one of the 10 categories

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8103
  • AlinaBaber/Liver-Tumor-Segmentation-Detection-by-ResUNET

    This repository contains the implementation of the Liver Tumor Segmentation and Detection model using the ResUNET architecture. The goal of this project is to develop a deep learning model that can accurately segment liver tumors from medical images, aiding in diagnosis and treatment planning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • lightdarkmaster/potato_disease_classification_mobile_app

    This is a Potato Disease Classification Mobile Application Using Flutter Framework and Convolutional Neural Network Artificial Intelligent Model. this is a simple and tech base solution in agriculture sector. this application is free to download Hope you like it. link below. 👇👇👇

  • ashx010/Digit_Recognizer

    Digit Recognizer using MNIST dataset with Deep Learning Model : CNN.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Leonard2310/KinDeNet

    Kinship Detection Network Project - Multimedia Signal Processing (BE), supervised by Prof. L. Verdoliva (2023).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Crop-Disease-Detection


    Applying CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) for crop disease classification, aiding precision agriculture and yield protection.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • yuyuan871111/OctSurf

    This is a copy version from the original source of OctSurf: Efficient Hierarchical Voxel-based Molecular Surface Representation for the Protein-Ligand Affinity Prediction..

  • HariShanmugavelu/ConvolutionalNeuralNetworks_FaceRecognition

    Face identification/recognition model using convolutional neural networks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • MajidKouki/fruit-classification

    CNN that classifies fresh and rotten fruit. Transfer learning using the VGG16 model and data provided by Kaggle.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0300
  • MarvinMichel/emotion-recognition

    Machine Learning project for emotion recognition

  • Valdarie/AAI1001

    The Data Engineering and Visualisation project goal is to develop an MVP of a CNN model with a GUI that predicts heart disease from ECG images, measures the model's performance, and displays the predictions in the GUI.

  • antonio2505/SuperDataScience_Projects_ML

    a hands-on approach to real-life challenges and covers exactly what you need to succeed in the real world of Data Science

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • hmtalha786/Deep-Learning-Concepts

    Basics to Advanced level Deep Learning using Keras and TensorFlow.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Sanchariii/FaceSense

    FaceSense is a machine learning project where when a face is detected through a image or webcam then it can predict its age and gender. Maybe perfect prediction of age can't be made but it can predict close to the actual age.
