
There are 4 repositories under crc40 topic.

  • Roydl/Crypto

    :books: Provides a handy way to hash data using Adler32, CRC (8-bit to 82-bit, and customizable without bit restriction), MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2 (256-bit, 384-bit and 512-bit), including HMAC keyed hashing for some types. Functions for encrypting and decrypting data with Rijndael (128-bit, 192-bit and 256-bit) are also offered

  • deatil/go-crc

    crc 相关算法,主要包括 lrc, bcc, crc3,crc4, crc5, crc6, crc7, crc12, crc24 和 crc40 算法

  • aohzju/GenericCRC

    A generic CRC implementation in Python, which supports arbitrary CRC size.

  • tanel312/CRCcalculation_Library

    CRC calculation library for 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit, 40-bit and 64 bit. Supports 76 CRC types
