
There are 141 repositories under credit-card-fraud-detection topic.

  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • ML-Project-21-Classification-Project-WebApp

    A web app featuring five classification projects: Spam Mail Prediction, Titanic Survival Prediction, Wine Quality Prediction, Loan Status Prediction, and Credit Card Fraud Detection, all built with Streamlit.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Encryptix-Projects

    This repository contains three machine learning projects completed during the internship at Encryptix: Titanic Survival Prediction, Sales Prediction, and Credit Card Fraud Detection. Each project includes data preprocessing, exploratory data analysis, model building, and evaluation steps.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Fraud-Credit-Card-Detection-Group-17


    🤖 The Fraud Credit Card Detection project aims to identify fraudulent transactions in credit card usage through the application of various machine learning methods, thereby improving the security of credit card operations and safeguarding users' financial assets.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Credit-Card-Transactions-Fraud-Detection-by-Afame-Technologies

    🛡️ Welcome to our Credit Card Fraud Detection project! 💳 Harnessing the formidable prowess machine learning, we're steadfast in our mission to fortify your financial stronghold against deceitful adversaries. Join our crusade for financial resilience,Ensuring every transaction is securely monitored! 🔐💯

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1

    This Repository contains the 3 projects that I completed during my Machine Learning Internship with CODSOFT.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    Machine Learning based Credit Card Fraud Detection

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Credit-Card-Fault-Detection

    Used Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier and XG Boost Classifier for Credit Card Fault Detection

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    An application which uses different algorithm for detecting Fraud Transactions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Feature-Engineering-For-Credit-Card

    My implementation of the paper "Feature engineering strategies for credit card fraud detection"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    Credit Card Fraud Detection using Extreme Gradient Boosting

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection-using-Logistic-Regression-

    Credit Card Fraud Detection using Logistic Regression with Hyper Tuning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Credit-Card-Fraudulent-Detection

    Credit Card Fraud Detection System built using Python. The system utilizes machine learning algorithms to detect fraudulent transactions from a given dataset.

  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    Credit Card Fraud Detection

  • credit-card-fraud-detection

    A machine-learning project on detection of fraudulent credit card transactions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • FraudesEmCartoesCreditoML

    💳 Detectando transações fraudulentas em cartões de crédito com scikit-learn, utilizando modelos de classificação.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • credisafe

    Credit Card Fraud Detection System using Python by implementing KNN and K-means

  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    Credit Card Fraud Detection using Decision tree and Support vector machine.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Comparative-Study-of-Classification-Techniques-on-Credit-Defaults

    A comparative study among six different Machine- Learning models for their accuracy in predicting the target class as well as their accuracy for predicting the probability of an individual belonging to the predicted class from the perspective of risk management.

  • Credit-Card-Fraud-CapstoneProjectIBM

    Predicting Credit Card Fraud Using Machine Learning Algorithms

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Fraud-Detection

    Fraud Detection

  • Predict_TO_Give_Credit_Card_OR_Not_Logistic_Regression

    This Repo contains Code and DataSet used with Results findout. I have used Logisitic Regression with Regulariztion, Plotted Graphs for Classfication applied Newton-Raphson Method .

  • credit-card-fraud-recognition-udacity

    Credit card fraud recognition using two different approaches: autoencoders and random forests. This was the capston project that I have developed for the Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree at Udacity.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    Applied undersampling and oversampling using SMOTE.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Data-Mining_Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    To solve two main issues in credit card fraud detection - skewness of the data and cost-sensitivity

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Machine-Learning-Final-Year-Projects-GitHub

    Machine learning final year-projects GitHub Includes Source Code, PPT, Synopsis, Report, Documents, Base Research Paper & Video tutorials

  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine Learning and AutoEncoders

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    Credit card fraud detection using machine learning with a focus on imbalanced data and high accuracy.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection-Using-Machine-Learning


    The Credit Card Fraud Detection project utilizes machine learning algorithms to identify and prevent fraudulent credit card transactions. Project Includes Source Code, PPT, Synopsis, Report, Documents, Base Research Paper & Video tutorials

  • Credit_Card_Fraud_Detection

    A project leveraging Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate synthetic data for credit card fraud detection, tackling data imbalance and enabling effective machine learning model training.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection

    Credit card fraud detection using XGBoost Classifier and GridSearchCV hyperparameter tuning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • Data_Science_Projects_2

    This repository was created for my Data Science Project (Credit Card Fraud - Anomaly Detection).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • credit_card_fraud_Detection

    Machine learning model for Credit Card Fraud Detection

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • credit-card-fraud-detection

    Credit Card Fraud Detection using data preprocessing, analysis, visualization, and machine learning to accurately identify fraudulent transactions. -Final Project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • Credit-Card-Fruad-Detection-Model

    This project uses a dataset of credit card transactions to detect fraud using machine learning algorithms such as random forest, XGBoost, and gradient boost. MLflow is integrated to track experiments and manage models efficiently.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook

    This repository contains three machine learning projects: Sales Prediction, Titanic Survival Prediction, and Credit Card Fraud Detection. Full executive summaries can be accessed via google drive inside the repository.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook