
There are 14 repositories under crimes topic.

  • chicago-crimes


    Exploring Chicago crimes dataset with Jupyter notebooks, DuckDB, Malloy and new Panel/PyScript data and dashboard tools.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook394384
  • vikashpatel24/Cyber-Crimes-and-Its-Awareness

    This repo contains all info related to cyber crimes and its awareness, please do your quality contribution... **only quality contribution accepted**

  • Jxck-S/ucfcrimes_social

    UCF Crimes bot For Instagram, Facebook and Telegram

  • wp_covid_crime


    A look at crime in large cities across the nation during the pandemic.

  • karl-chan/uk-property-search

    The missing guide to London properties

  • adamayoung/police-data-kit

    A Swift Package for UK Police data providing a rich data source for information about crime and policing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  • angelr1076/django-cct

    Final project for CS50 Web with Python and JavaScript

  • leo-cavalcante/crimes-in-chicago

    Regression and Statistical analysis of crimes in Chicago from 2015 until 2020.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1103
  • josesousaribeiro/Pred2Town-and-XAI

    This is a repository for reproducibility purposes. In this research, a homicide crime prediction model was developed and different Explainable Artificial Intelligence measures were applied to it.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • jramtos/mexcrimes

    Mapping Crimes Using DJANGO and SQLITE: CAPP 30122 Final Project

  • Macorreag/ASINY

    OpenData + ApiGoogleMaps =Usefull information

  • MeComeguy/morocco-interpole

    Our web app for Morocco's Interpol helps track and find Morocco's most wanted individuals. It's easy to use, showing profiles with photos and details of people wanted for different reasons. It's updated in real-time to support everyone working towards justice.

  • rafayk330/chicago_crime

    This project analyzes the crime scenario in the city of Chicago. The project analyzes datasets shared by the governmnet of Chicago online, and then comes up with interesting findings through which, important recommendations may be obtained.

  • FranciscoWallison/CrimeHeatmapAnalysis_JS

    Grafico de chama da policia FORTALEZA/CE
