
There are 6 repositories under crisis-related topic.

  • raj-kotak/Online-Social-Network-Analysis

    Exploring the latest algorithms which include sentiment classification, information extraction, clustering, and topic modeling for analyzing online social networks, considering both their structure and content.

  • alaa-a-a/kawarith

    an Arabic Twitter Corpus for Crisis Events

  • firojalam/crisis-embedding-models

    Embedding models designed using crisis related tweets collected by AIDR (

  • Clauvin/RefugeeWaves

    Game originally made by Cláuvin Erlan, Verônica Sakane Matias and Brian Confessor to the GGJ 2017, then improved to a functional Alpha 0 version.

  • jararzaidi/The-Suicide-Crisis-in-Data

    From growing up in the heart of Silicon Valley, I have always wondered what was the factors that play a role in Suicide. There have been a plethora of suicide clusters from my High School in Palo Alto. This project seeks to explore the underlying factors. We will use a sample of 44,000 gather data from 141 different Countries, between the 80's to 2016.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1102
  • kubapi/kryzysowa-kawa

    Strona internetowa zbierająca małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa (głównie gastronomiczne) które oferują możliwość zakupu u nich kart podarunkowych [w celu zwalczenia przestoju w obrocie]) w trakcie epidemii koronawirusa
