There are 8 repositories under critics topic.
🏆 Definite Best Games Of All Time Data Based by multiple sources
MMD Critic implementation based on Scikit-Learn and Numpy
This small project is a basic web-scrapping of Rotten Tomatoes website. Critics reviews for the series Tiger King Season 1 has been web scrapped from the website using Beautiful Soup and generated as a dataframe using pandas.
Este projeto nasceu a partir de um grupo no Telegram como um passatempo, então eu pensei "Por que não juntar o útil ao agradável?" e decidi criar um website para automatizar e armazenar todo o processo enquanto pratico desenvolvimento web.
A Multidisciplinary Archive of the Dayborn, dedicated for the Contemporary.
Welcome to the GameList Aggregator project! This open-source initiative aggregates data about video games from various trusted sources, making it freely accessible and user-driven.
A collection of tools to get and analyze rating data for video games
The goal of this project is to explore how albums across various genres are reviewed by critics, based on normalized album reviews from Metacritic. While data across all genres are analyzed, I take a deeper look in particular at how rap album reviews differ from other genres.