
There are 46 repositories under csrf-attacks topic.

  • 0xInfection/XSRFProbe

    The Prime Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Audit and Exploitation Toolkit.

  • dunglas/DunglasAngularCsrfBundle

    Automatic CSRF protection for JavaScript apps using a Symfony API

  • cookies-sniffer


    This app is an advanced XSS panel, this is used for session grabbing with XSS exploit and <img src="grabber_url">

  • app


    🚀 CSRFShark - a utility for manipulating cross-site request forgery attacks

  • vzhou842/definitely-secure-bank

    A definitely (read: not) secure online banking site. Built for demo purposes as an example of common security vulnerabilities / what NOT to do.

  • robjtede/webpwn

    Hackable website for teaching/training purposes. Includes my undergraduate thesis.

  • autistic-symposium/csrf-apache-modsecurity

    👾 monitor web server's log files against CSRF attacks (a modification of apache's mod_security to log these attacks)

  • AyemunHossain/CSRF-vulnerability-detection

    Automated Blackbox CSRF vulnerability detection tools

  • LinuxUser255/Web-Security-Academy-Series

    Exploit Code, notes, and resources to accompany PortSwiggers' WebAcademy Labs.

  • enriquetomasmb/bruteforce-bypass

    Bruteforce HTTP POST with CSRF token bypass (anti-CSRF)

  • toggio/SecureTokenizer

    A PHP Library for Cryptographically Secure Token Generation and Management

  • hack-with-ethics/csrf_google

    (csrf) google just got a idea to bypass or manipulate the 2fa in gmail service but was successfull in bypassing the device name in gmail 2fa

  • julfiker/csrf-php

    A service to handle csrf on POST|PULL\DELETE request for php application

  • phanatagama/Web-CTF-Cheatsheet

    Web CTF CheatSheet 🐈

  • Pawel-Kica/csrf-university-project-starter

    📔 Simple blog project vulnerable to CSRF attacks

  • roflcer/Cross-Site-Request-Forgery-Attack

    A CSRF attack involves a victim user, a trusted site, and a malicious site. The victim user holds an active session with a trusted site and simultaneously visits a malicious site. The malicious site injects a HTTP request for the trusted site into the victim user session compromising its integrity. In this lab, you will be attacking a web-based message board system using CSRF attacks. We modi- fied an open-source message board application called phpBB to make it vulnerable to CSRF attacks. The original application has implemented several countermeasures for avoiding CSRF attacks

  • zakirullin/csrf-middleware

    A PSR-15 compatible middleware that is designed to simplify CSRF verifcation process

  • AmerSurkovic/DrvenijaOnline

    Online service application for book trading. Application was originally developed for 'Web Technologies' course @ETF_Sarajevo. After that, I have created XSS and CSRF omissions in the application in order to present how are mentioned attacks done on the web application.

  • ankushlakhani3/Ethical-Hacking-Security-Application

    It is a desktop application made in PYQT5 and various python libraries, basically it is a kind of GUI version of lazyhack. It also contains advance backdoor and can perform various attack.

  • Charlot-DEDJINOU/CSRF-attack

    Ce projet est un exemple pédagogique d'attaque CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) pour démontrer comment une application web peut être vulnérable à ce type d'attaque.

  • DevExpress-Examples/asp-net-core-dashboard-antiforgery

    How to apply antiforgery request validation to the ASP.NET Core Dashboard control.

  • MarcinHoppe/AspNetCore.Csrf.Sample

    A sample application that shows three ways to mitigate CSRF attacks in ASP.NET Core applications

  • RudigerMorinDocter/CSRF-Attender

    CSRF Attender is a Burp Suite extension that illustrates a PoC for automatically generating CSRF attacks on a WebSite (works only for GET requests and HTTP1.1)

  • Sitaras/eClass-Penetration-Testing

    🔒| Evaluating the security (exploiting and fixing vulnerabilities) of Open eClass 2.3 (University of Athens) platform.

  • Subangkar/Computer-Security-CSE-406-BUET

    Demonstration of some attacks exploiting security vulnerabilities of websites and OSs as tasks of Computer Security LAB, CSE 406 in Level-4, Term-1 of CSE, BUET

  • thewarpaint/hyperlogout


  • DanielUAL/CyberAttackLabs

    Collection of labs that were done while taking a cyber security course. I was able to do real cyber attacks in a controlled environment. Various types of attacks are documented, XSS, TCP, CSRF, ect.

  • harshitScript/authentication-demo

    An express project to demonstrate the ways of providing authentication to users along with some authentication related mechanism like reset password, edit details etc. Additional : CSRF protection

  • MachadoOtto/CSRF-Helper

    CSRF Helper is a tool designed to generate and test proofs of concept for Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. It allows users to input a specific HTTP request and automatically generates a CSRF attack scenario. The generated proof of concept can be copied to the clipboard or downloaded as an HTML file for further testing and analysis.

  • NLoi7/NetworkSec_ArmorFramework

    Đây là một trong số những giải pháp để ngăn chặn lỗi CSRF tồn tại trên webapplication hiện nay 🚀

  • rohitajariwal/web-app-security-scanner

    A web crawler and vulnerability scanner tool developed by Rohit Ajariwal

  • salissalmann/OAuth-JWT-Backend-InfoSecurity

    Comprehensive Information Security Project on GitHub: Fortify your web app with robust JWT Token, CORS, and role-based access controls. Defend against CSRF, XSS, and more for enhanced protection.

  • xamiron/CSRF-Vulnerability

    In this repository, I discuss the CSRF vulnerability and how to do execute a CSRF attack.

  • galihap76/php-csrf

    CSRF token menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP.

  • Sandhya80/Preventing_CSRF_Codey-s_ConfectioneryProject

    Fixing the CSRF(Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks) vulnerabilities on the web forms (Ordering form and the Contact form) of a Confectioneries website.

  • Wh1t3Fox/csrf.page

    CSRF Testing
