
There are 39 repositories under css-challenge topic.

  • jasminexie/100-days-css

    100 Days of CSS challenge with Parcel, PostCSS and Pug.

  • aniqatc/css-100

    🎨 My version of the 100 Days of CSS challenge.

  • resume-ux


    An interactive website with no JavaScript, with advanced CSS3, with applied object-orientation to HTML5

  • Camille846/100DaysCSS

    Solutions for 100 Days CSS Challenge.

  • edumigueis/css-zen-garden-challenge

    The css zen garden challenge. Where, there is a template html that remains unchanged and a blank canvas of css.


    This is a solution to the [QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor].

  • devvanu/css-battle-solutions

    This repo contains my submissions for CSS-Battle Challenges

  • OmarRefaee/QR-code-components

    QR code components Front-End Mentor Challenge

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Blue-Canvas

    The 'Blue Canvas' challenge involves creating a visually appealing canvas using CSS. The canvas features a blue background with white squares arranged to form a unique design. The objective is to position and style these elements using CSS properties such as positioning, dimensions, and background colors.

  • brijeshvadalia/Ineuron-Javascript-Development-CSS-CHALLENGES

    This all CSS challenges is a component of the Full Stack Javascript bootcamp being taught by Hitesh Choudhary Sir at the ineuron.ai gateway.

  • Farahat612/Testmonials-Slider---Pure-CSS

    A Testimonials Slide in HTML and CSS only without any JS or third party libraries

  • KhaledAlabssi/TEACHING_REPO_css_intermidate_exercise_s23

    Teaching materials / code-examples for my frontend and full-stack participants. CSS intermediate exercise.

  • kostastepetes/css-battle-solutions

    ⚔ A solutions repo for the code challenge website cssbattle.dev

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Chromatic-Duo

    The "Chromatic Duo" challenge features a split container with contrasting color schemes and shapes, showcasing the harmonious interaction of colors and shapes.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-1-CSS-Challenge

    This project is a part of the 100 Days CSS Challenge. It focuses on creating a visually appealing, centered display of the number "100" using HTML and CSS. The design includes a gradient background and carefully positioned elements to form the digits.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-21-Send-Mail

    Send Mail: Surprise your visitors with a nice animation instead of a simple "request sent".

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-23-Fitness-Tracker

    Don't sit on your chair all day long. Get up, jump, run, exercice and burn some calories.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-24-Animated-Typography

    This project demonstrates how to create animated typography using CSS animations combined with HTML elements. The animations are designed to highlight the text with dynamic shadow effects and vibrant colors.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-25-Dynamic-Typography-Showcase

    Explore dynamic typography with animated headers! This project showcases creative web typography using CSS animations and SVG graphics, inspired by modern design trends. Check out live demos and contribute to enhance visual experiences on the web.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-27-Checklist

    What's the great thing about working through your to-do list? That's right, the relieving feeling when you can check off the tasks.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-30-Random-Line

    What can I say, it is a line. A line that moves and circles something. What should it be? That's for you to decide.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-31-Pendulum-Wave

    If you are not yet fascinated by mathematics, you should be now at the latest. Wonderful what a small calculations brings forth. this description was provided.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-32-Counter

    I wonder how high or low is the maximum you can count here? The transitions are pure CSS, but I used some JS for the counting.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-33-Sunny-Day

    What else could be visible on this sunny day? Some birds, plains or even superman?

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-35-Loading-Circle

    Is that a dark circle with a white stripe or the other way around?

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-36-Image-Carousel

    This challenge showcases an elegant image carousel using HTML and CSS animations. The carousel features a smooth transition effect between four images, creating a dynamic and visually appealing presentation.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Day-37-Carousel

    Images, quotes, prices or logos. A carousel can be used in many ways and is an eye-catcher.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Geometric-Harmony

    Create harmony through geometric shapes with CSS. This challenge features a square and two circles, each carefully positioned to achieve a balanced composition against a vibrant background.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Green-Circle-Cluster

    Create a cluster of green circles using HTML and CSS, positioned within a larger circle on a green background. Each small circle is uniquely positioned using CSS transforms to achieve a clustered effect.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Orrery-Model-

    This CSS challenge creates a simple orrery-like model using HTML and CSS. It features a main container with two blocks, each containing two circles, arranged to resemble an orbital system. The challenge focuses on positioning elements and using absolute positioning, background colors, and border-radius properties to achieve the desired layout.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Prismatic-Shift

    Prismatic Shift is a CSS project that demonstrates how to create a dynamic prismatic effect using CSS transforms and positioning.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Scarlet-Geometry

    "Scarlet Geometry" is a stylish web layout challenge that uses HTML and CSS to create a centered container with two striking geometric blocks, elegantly showcasing shades of scarlet.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Social-Media-Buttons

    Create a stylish set of social media profile buttons using CSS, featuring tooltips and hover effects for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Github, and YouTube icons.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Waves-Animation

    This challenge showcases a wave-like animation effect using pendulums within three different frames, each with its own distinct background gradient and pendulum swing timings.

  • Yashi-Singh-1/Yellow-Slats

    This challenge involves creating a visually appealing layout using HTML and CSS, with a focus on positioning and styling elements to form a specific design. The primary task is to understand and implement the following:
