
There are 266 repositories under cte topic.

  • nuno-faria/tetris-sql

    Using SQL's Turing Completeness to Build Tetris

  • Blazebit/blaze-persistence

    Rich Criteria API for JPA providers

  • ZeusAutomacao/DFe.NET

    Biblioteca para Geração de NFe(2.0, 3.10 e 4.0) e NFCe(3.10 e 4.0) e consumo dos serviços necessários à sua manutenção, conforme descritos em http://www.nfe.fazenda.gov.br/portal/principal.aspx

  • wmixvideo/nfe

    Nota Fiscal Eletrônica em Java.

  • OCA/l10n-brazil

    Localização brasileira oficial do Odoo.

  • frones/ACBr

    Projeto ACBr - O branch master é um repositório espelho do SVN original (svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/acbr/code/trunk2), criado e mantido com git-svn.

  • akretion/nfelib

    nfelib - bindings Python para e ler e gerir XML de NF-e, NFS-e nacional, CT-e, MDF-e, BP-e

  • ZeusFiscal


    A Principal Biblioteca em C# para Emissão e Impressão de NFe, NFCe, MDF-e e CT-e

  • Samuel-Oliveira/Java_CTe

    Projeto Open Source Java - CTe

  • ProjetoACBr/ACBr

    Mirror não oficial do Projeto ACBr

  • OmenApps/django-postgresql-dag

    Directed Acyclic Graphs with a variety of methods for both Nodes and Edges, and multiple exports (NetworkX, Pandas, etc). This project is the foundation for a commercial product, so expect regular improvements. PR's and other contributions are welcomed.

  • matthiask/django-cte-forest

    django-cte-forest implements efficient adjacency list trees using Django and PostgreSQL Common Table Expressions (CTE).

  • bagus2x/social-media-app

    Social Media App. Golang + Kotlin. Instagram x Twitter x Facebook x Reddit Clone. WIP

  • codewithjaspreet/Sql

    Advanced SQL - Discover sequential, step-by-step explanations and solutions, accompanied by the necessary database creation codes, available on Ankit Bansal Sir's YouTube channel for SQL. Give it a ⭐ and stay tuned for more updates!

  • tecnospeed/plugnotas-php

    Pacote para integração com o Plugnotas

  • ArminShoeibi/CommentingSystem

    Nested Commenting System With ASP.NET Core 6 and EF Core 6

  • somnambulist-tech/cte-builder

    Common Table Expression builder that uses Doctrine DBAL

  • EficazFramework.SPED


    Biblioteca para leitura, auditoria e escrita das obrigações acessórias, documentos e escriturações do projeto SPED (Federal, B2G), Operações Financeiras (B2B) e documentos fiscais eletrônicos (NFe, CTe, NFSe).

  • BLACKFISHLABS/fiscal4j

    Biblioteca de comunicação de nota fiscal eletrônica brasileira

  • devboell/family-tree

    An example app that lets you create a family tree

  • vmarchesin/br-validate-dfe-access-key

    Um validador de chave de acesso de DFes

  • PauloPenalva/Java_MDFe

    Biblioteca Java para consumo do WebService de MDF-e

  • davydovsky/sqlalchemy-cte-demo

    An example of using SQLAlchemy recursive CTE with PostgresSQL and asyncpg driver.

  • elkronos/SQL_Portfolio

    Examples of SQL scripts. Includes templates for admin (SQL server) and data cleaning, as well as scripts designed for creating a mock database, illustrating triggers, common table expressions, analysis, and ETL.

  • riju18/Dashing-Datawarehouse-dbt

    Design the Data Warehouse with minimalistic code.

  • Clodcodeking/Video-Games-Data-Exploration-in-SQL

    Skills used: Joins, CTE's, Temp Tables, Windows Functions, Aggregate Functions, Creating Views, Converting Data Types amd SUBQUERY

  • ERC-BPGC/cte-archive

    A collection of past CTE slides

  • GxBrasilNOficial/SDTsNFeCTeMDFe

    SDTs para NFe, CTe, MDFe

  • KG-GitHubRepo/SQL-Projects

    💻 Leveraging the power of SQL to extract actionable insights from complex datasets.

  • ShaliniVerma21/MySQL-Queries-and-Excersizes-Batch13thJan-2025

    Designed to help students and beginners build a solid foundation in database management and SQL. 🌟 📘 Structured Learning: Progress day by day with clear, organized exercises. 🎯 Practical Application: Learn SQL skills for academic, project, and professional needs. 💡 Collaborative Space: Share and enhance your knowledge with a growing community.

  • shivanidashore777/FAASOS_SQL_ANALYSIS_PROJECT

    Faasos (now Rebel Foods) is a popular Indian food delivery company. It started as a restaurant chain, then shifted online. They offer affordable meals, diverse cuisines, and efficient delivery. Rebel Foods operates multiple brands, using technology to enhance the food delivery experience.


    Rebel Foods, formerly known as Faasos, is a renowned food delivery company in India. It originated as a restaurant chain but transitioned into an online platform. Rebel Foods is known for providing affordable meals, a wide variety of cuisines, and prompt delivery services. They operate numerous brands and leverage technology to enhance the overall

  • tomarshabh2199/Advanced-Sql-Interview-Questions

    Advanced Sql Interview Questions that covers topics like CTE, Analytics Window Functions, Aggregation Functions, Subqueries these topics will help you to boost your interview questions

  • udipta14/Olympic-Games-Analysis

    The aim of this analysis was to extract valuable insights and answer a variety of questions related to the history, participation, and performance of nations and athletes in the Olympic Games. This project demonstrates my proficiency in Data Analysis, SQL Querying using advance functions like CTE, Joins, CASE, Pivot.

  • udipta14/Social-Media-Database-Project

    I have recently worked on a project of analyzing a social media platform data on MS SQL SERVER. In this project I have used advanced SQL functions and keywords like Views, Indexes, CTE, Windows Functions and many more.

  • cte2dbt


    Tools with batteries included to extract CTE from a large SQL query and split them iteratively into dbt models.
