
There are 8 repositories under custom-class topic.

  • mostafa07/ABND-Proj4-Music-Player-Structure-App

    Android Basics Nanodegree Fourth Project: "Musical Structure App"

  • BullyWiiPlaza/MW3-Wii-Custom-Create-A-Class

    A custom create a class code creator for MW3 Wii

  • EP2nd/100_Days_of_Swift-Consolidation_VIII-Recreation_of_the_iOS_Notes_App

    The 7th consolidation project of "100 Days of Swift" tutorial course from Paul Hudson's "Hacking with Swift" website. A recreation of Apple's iOS Notes app. A complete project I have written from scratch.

  • LukeWait/my-messagebox

    A custom C# class that replicates the functionality of the built-in MessageBox, with the addition of parent-relative positioning and enhanced UI customization options.

  • arifur-rahaman/js-music-player

    Vanilla JS Music Player with basic controls, custom theming, using onloadedmetadata, user-defined CSS classes, and CSS variables. Features: Play/pause, volume Progress bar Usage: Clone the repo. Open index.html. Load your music. Contributing: Fork, create a branch, make changes, submit a pull request.

  • EP2nd/100_Days_of_Swift-Consolidation_V-Photo_Album

    The 4th consolidation project of "100 Days of Swift" tutorial course from Paul Hudson's "Hacking with Swift" website. A descriptive photo album app. Project almost complete: the photos seem not getting loaded properly after a rerun through Xcode. Having read the console report, someone indicated that it is a bug which should be reported.

  • EP2nd/100_Days_of_Swift-Consolidation_VI-Country_Guide

    The 5th consolidation project of "100 Days of Swift" tutorial course from Paul Hudson's "Hacking with Swift" website. An app which presents basic facts about some countries. A complete project I have written from scratch.

  • krhitesh/androidStudio

