
There are 134 repositories under custom-hooks-in-react topic.

  • Moamal-2000/e-commerce

    An elegant e-commerce website offering a seamless shopping experience with responsive design, showcasing modern UI/UX practices

  • alamenai/rehook

    🐟 Copy & Paste a Hook or Publish Your Own 🐟

  • Moamal-2000/custom-hooks

    A collection of simple and reusable React hooks to make your development easier.

  • AmarNarayanDwivedi/Currency_Convertor_using-React.js

    The currency converter project, built with React.js, simplifies currency conversion tasks. Users input amounts and select currencies for accurate, efficient conversions. With intuitive features like currency swapping, it offers convenience and reliability across devices.

  • Bhupender2/world-wise

    This is a reactjs Travel app designed to record and manage your global adventures, leveraging a modern tech stack to ensure a seamless and intuitive user experience.

  • Hossein-i/todo

    This project is a Todo app. In this project, I got acquainted with the concept of CRUD (creating, reading, updating and deleting records) and also with the concepts of State Management, React Context and Custom Hooks.

  • Syammed2429/useFetch-custom-hook

    useFetch is a React custom hook to fetch the data through API's url

  • Technigo/react-advanced-hooks-boiler-plate

    Technigo Student's Advanced Hooks Boilerplate: Dive deep into React hooks! Explore working examples of useRef, useMemo, useLayoutEffect, useReducer, and custom hooks to supercharge your learning journey.

  • alamenai/rehook-website

    The official documentation for Rehook

  • andrianfaa/custom-hooks

    A collection of custom hooks that I use frequently

  • cenarturkmen/custom-hooks

    custom hook examples

  • DelioCoder/mern-typescript-video-frontEnd

    FrontEnd of my web application with React.

  • lakshyadeepgogoi/Random-Gif

    Use Custom Hook

  • PherbCampton/useful-custom-react-hooks

    React Custom Hooks Collection: A repository of handy custom hooks designed to streamline various aspects of web and software development. From simplifying form validation to optimizing API requests, these hooks are here to boost your productivity and code quality, with ongoing updates and open-source collaboration.

  • ShirsoBhattacharyya/Google-Search-Clone

    This is my attempt to clone Google Search Engine, yes you read it right! This project attempts to demonstrate the functionalities of a search engine website like Google. The search results are displayed according to what the user searches in the search box. The search results are fetched from live google API.

  • Alirezawmoradi/React-IBAN-Generator

    A lightweight and easy-to-use custom hook for converting Account Number to IBAN Code in React applications.

  • anshkush92/crypto-hunter-mern

    This repository is solely for the purpose of learning how to create project and deploy them with MERN stack

  • bbluechip/react-stock-app

    stock app track your profits

  • dgsergio/pixel40

    Pixel40 former official website. React with NextJS develompent.

  • frankly034/online-payment-fe

    This is a React app, bootstrapped using Vite. It is part of a tutorial series (See playlist) to illustrate how to integrate payment using an application's payment api.

  • gsebdev/react-data-table

    A table component that displays data in table, with sorting, filtering, and pagination functionalities.

  • gsebdev/SportSee-App

    A React JS user dashboard with physical activity analytics.

  • jalpenshah/expensemanager

    Expense manager application to log daily transactions - react, express, mysql, google-auth, email, chakra-ui, theme

  • JAYKALIA007/search-sort-react-ts

    A react+TS application where you can search, sort, fetch more users and append to an already existing list. Detailed use of hooks such as useState, useEffect, useContext in TS.

  • Jubair-Ahmed-Junjun/movie-review

    movie review

  • Karansingh7511/NetflixGPT

    The Netflix GPT project is a React-based web application that integrates Tailwind CSS for styling and Firebase for authentication. It includes features such as user login and signup forms with form validation, Redux for state management, and bug fixes for the signup feature. The project utilizes the TMBD API to fetch data for now-playing movies.

  • Lorellana21/my-custom-hook

    In this exercise I have developed a custom hook to toggle a boolean value :)

  • MarioWork/react-use-fetch-custom-hook

    Simple project with example of useFetch custom hook

  • Moamal-2000/aster-information

    Aster Information provides cutting-edge data solutions and innovative IT services, empowering businesses with efficient information management and advanced technology tools tailored to their unique needs.

  • rizwandev99/aaa-medium-clone

    MEDIUM CLONE PROJECT. Frontend Deployed on Vercel ("") & BackEnd deployed on Cloudflare Workers.('')

  • Sachintha-Prasad/Expense-tracker-v1

    Expense Tracker v1 is a modern expense tracking application built with React.js, Tailwind CSS, and Firebase. It allows users to securely log in with their Google account and track income and expenses across devices. The application leverages custom hooks and React Context API for real-time data management

  • viren-rathod/todo-app

    A To-Do application built with React, Typescript, Material UI and Localstorage

  • wazeerc/react-lib

    My collection of custom React hooks and useful functions 🧰

  • yash9650/StopNShop

    StopNShop is a campus website built to provide local shops in over campus online. MERN stack was used to build this project.

  • YashkShrivas4491/Machine_Coding_Projects-

    Machine Coding Projects asked in Interview
