
There are 3 repositories under custom-oscillators topic.

  • dukesrg/logue-osc

    Custom oscillators for Korg logue-sdk compatible synths. Contains Oscillator API extensions and reusable header to create wavetable-based oscilator and example web page for user wave data injection.

  • vuki/VoxHumana-Minilogue-xd

    A custom oscillator for the Korg Minilogue-xd synthesizer that simulates the Vox Humana preset from the Polymoog 280a synthesizer

  • vuki/WvTable-logue

    A custom oscillator for the Korg Minilogue-xd synthesizer (possibly also works with other logue SDK v1 synthesizers). Implements a wavetable signal generator, inspired by PPG Wave instruments.
