
There are 30 repositories under custom-validation topic.

  • AnkitSharma-007/angular-forms-validation

    Custom validations for Reactive and Template-driven forms in Angular.

  • bezkoder/spring-boot-custom-validation

    Custom Validation in Spring Boot example - Spring Boot custom validation annotation example - Spring Boot Rest API Validation

  • gobeam/custom-validator

    This package was build to beautify the Gin Gonic Binding validation error message for API. You can register your custom validation and easily add customize its message as you like.

  • rsvinicius/antifraud-system

    This project demonstrates (in a simplified form) the principles of anti-fraud systems in the financial sector.

  • light-react-validator


    A small, fast and flexible react validator

  • akmamun/flask-pymongo

    Python (Flask) and Mongo DB Restful Micro Service Architecture

  • aslamanver/abvalidate

    Don't give default error messages to your clients give in their language which they understand !

  • Md-MamunAbdulKayum/Spring-Custom-Validation

    Spring MVC custom validation

  • memosworld/spring-boot-custom-validations

    This repository provides a collection of custom validation annotations for use with Spring Boot applications

  • CreativeAcer/spnamevalidator

    Tool to validate strings for use in SharePoint code

  • dobroslav-atanasov/Sport-Center

    Web application created with React.

  • kathleenwest/WCFAuthenticationDemo

    This project presents a Visual Studio solution including a simple demo WCF Authentication Service Application and a “Tester” Client (Windows Form Application) that allows the user to test the user registration, login, logout, and service operations. In addition to demonstrating standard authentication capabilities, the WCF service implements a custom username and password validator pattern. Passwords are stored securely using Password-Based Key Derivation Function PBKD cryptology of which the implementation is discussed. A custom error handler ensures that exceptions are properly wrapped into WCF Faults and communicated to the client caller. Certificates are discussed along with how to implement a server certificate on a client machine for development testing of “integrity” and application trust. The project includes a demo certificate and script for generating self-signed dev certificates, which must be installed into the client certificate store for the client tester application to trust and access the demo service. The client “tester” windows form application is not intended as a UX/UI demo but used to test and verify that the backend authentication service registration, login, logout, service operations, and callbacks are working as expected and sending proper WCF fault messages. Lastly, the project is shown in the demo section with a video and screen captures.

  • Laravel-RootX/Custom-Validation-Rules-in-Laravel

    Custom Validation Rules in Laravel

  • s4SHIVam7/validationForm_lwc

    Component (LWC) to provide basic validation to ensure that both fields are filled out before submission.

  • upex/react-dynamic-forms

    React dynamic forms using HOOKS

  • yogeshpadhiyar/inventory

    This is Inventory management project in spring MVC project in fully structured from. Configration with MySql database and also with hibernate model. That project also include custom exception and custom validation example also.

  • zeyad82/laravel-envx

    Laravel custom env with validation

  • Arshpreet-Singh-1/Angular-Reactive-Forms

    A sleek web application for effortless registration of Angular development teams, featuring dynamic form controls and modern UI/UX design

  • HannahMayer10/mathForm

    Angular tutorial

  • loosenthedark/clipadvisor-flask-app

    Clipadvisor is a full-stack web application that boasts comprehensive CRUD functionality, allowing users to post, view, edit and delete reviews of barbers. Backend data processing is facilitated by Python+Flask in tandem with SQLAlchemy (via the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension). Dynamic templating logic has been put in place to enable visitors to navigate with ease and choose from an appropriate selection of frontend pages, depending on whether they are logged in or out.

  • MohamedBebars598/Event-Management-System

    It's a full-stack web application implemented Back-end as a restful API using( Node js, Express, JWT Authentication, MongoDB by using Mongoose) Front-end using Angular by applying( HTTP interceptors, custom validation, Routing, Guards lazy loading, observables)

  • MukundDholariya2706/Angular-ReactiveForm

    Angular Reactive Form

  • saiyadakil26/Work_As_Intern

    Its My day to day Internship Work at SocialPilot as NodeJS Intern

  • TARTIGA/FormValidatorJQ

  • akmamun/quart-pymngo

    Asynchronous Python with Quart and Mongo DB Boilerplate

  • mkblogs/jwt_example

    Spring Boot JWT Angular Example

  • trybrito/practicing-form-data-validation

    An example of form validation customization, where each field has, based on its type, specific validations and error messages
