
There are 10 repositories under customer-satisfaction-analysis topic.

  • CarryChang/Customer_Satisfaction_Analysis

    基于在线民宿 UGC 数据的意见挖掘项目,包含数据挖掘和NLP 相关的处理,负责数据采集、主题抽取、情感分析等任务。目的是克服用户打分和评论不一致,实时对在线民宿的满意度评测,包含在线评论采集和情感可视化分析。搭建了百度地图POI查询入口,可以进行自动化的批量查询 POI 信息的功能;构建了基于在线民宿语料的 LDA 自动主题聚类模型,利用主题中心词能找出对应的主题属性字典;以用户打分作为标注,然后 litNlp 自带的字符级 TextCNN 进行情感分析,将情感分类概率分布作为情感趋势,最后通过 POI 热力图的方式对不同地域的民宿满意度进行展示。软件版本请见链接。

  • ipdechant14/WoW_Customer_Satisfaction

    Welcome to the WoW Sentiment Analysis repository! I am Isaac, I have been a long time addict of WoW and I am just getting into developing my own machine learning models with data from API's. I have long been wanting to get into sentiment analysis and I figured it would be a good idea to focus on something I am oh too knowledgeable about, Thanks!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • NazomU/PowerBI-Projects

    Power BI Visualization

  • ajuremesh/EnhancingCustomerSatisfaction-FlipkartProductReviewAnalysis

    Sentiment analysis of Flipkart reviews. Predict ratings. Dublin Business School research.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • Bmounika4/Bank-Loan-Casestudy

    This project aims to leverage EDA techniques to analyze loan application data and identify predictors of loan default. By systematically exploring missing data, outliers, imbalance, and relationships between variables, the analysis aims to uncover insights into default risk.

  • kaushikrohit004/British-Airways-Customer-Satisfaction-Analysis

    A comprehensive analysis of customer satisfaction trends, this study delves into feedback and service quality data to enhance the passenger experience with British Airways.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • nikisetti01/Exploring-Ryanair-Customer-Satisfaction-Dimensions

    Application of Latent Dirchlet Allocation, Text mining and classical statistic machine learning techniques to understand the customer satisfaction of different topics using Ryanair Reviews

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • varundixit4/Airline-Passenger-Satisfaction-Report

    This repository contains a PowerBI dashboard to analyze an airline satisfaction survey.

  • Jimoh1993/Data-Science-Customer-Satisfaction-Project

    Build a statistical model based customer satisfaction dataset from Qualtrics survey
