There are 46 repositories under cy8ckit-045s topic.
This code example demonstrates the UART transmit and receive operation in PSoC 4. The application uses a serial terminal to read data and to echo back the received data. The UART resource is configured to do both transmit and receive operations.
This code example demonstrates how to manually tune a self-capacitance (CSD)based button widget in PSoC 4 devices using CapSense Tuner GUI.
This code example demonstrates how to manually tune a mutual capacitance (CSX)-based button widget in PSoC® 4 devices using CapSense® Tuner GUI.
This example project demonstrates the basic operation of the emulated EEPROM middleware.
This code example demonstrates the use of a GPIO configured as an input pin to generate interrupts on PSoC® 4. The GPIO signal interrupts the CPU and executes a user-defined Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).
This code example demonstrates simple UART communication by printing a "Hello World" message on a terminal and blinks an LED using PSoC 4.
This example demonstrates the operation of I2C resource for PSoC 4 in Master mode with an EzI2C slave. The I2C master is configured to send command packets to control a user LED on the slave. Both the slave and master are on the same device.
This example demonstrates the operation of the I2C block for PSoC 4 in Slave mode using callbacks.
This example uses a TCPWM block in the Timer/Counter mode to generate a periodic interrupt. An LED toggles whenever the interrupt occurs.
This example demonstrates the use of PSoC 4 Watchdog Counters in cascaded mode. The user LED is toggled every time the Counter2 interrupt occurs. The match values of all the counters are set to toggle the LED every 1 second.
This code example demonstrates how to monitor self-capacitance (CSD) based buttons and slider widgets using the CAPSENSE™ tuner through RTT in PSoC™ 4 devices.
This code example demonstrates the self-capacitance scanning technique to implement liquid tolerance on mutual-cap sensors.
This code example demonstrates how to tune the proximity sensor using CY8CKIT-041S-MAX , PROX on CY8CKIT-024 Kit for liquid tolerance. This code example is tuned for a proximity-sensing distance of 3 cm with liquid tolerance. The proximity of the user hand is indicated by turning on the LEDs (LED1-LED5).
This code example demonstrates the use of the multi-frequency scan (MFS) for PSoC™ 4 CAPSENSE™ applications to prevent false touch detection in the presence of external noise. This code example demonstrates this feature for both CSD (self-capacitance) and CSX (mutual-capacitance) designs.
This code example demonstrates how to implement pipeline scanning in CAPSENSE™ to improve performance. When a particular widget is being processed, the next widget in line can be scanned in parallel, and the device remains in Deep Sleep mode until the scan is complete.
This code example demonstrate how to detect swipe gestures in the X-axis and Y-axis using the proximity sensors on CY8CKIT-024 using the PSoC™ 4 device.
This code example demonstrates a CAPSENSE™ based proximity sensing design to control the brightness of an onboard LED. It will help to learn how to design a proximity sensor using a PSoC™ 4 devices, and see how an approaching hand controls the intensity of an onboard LED.
This code example demonstrates how to tune self-capacitance (CSD)-based buttons and slider widgets with SmartSense in PSoC™ 4 devices using the CAPSENSE™ tuner.
This example demonstrates how to create a field upgradable project for PSoC™ 4 using the DFU middleware. The device firmware update (DFU) will occur over the I2C or UART interfaces. This includes downloading an application from a host device (PC/MCU) and installing it in PSoC™ 4 device flash.
PSoC 4 Class-B Safety Test: Analog Peripherals