
There are 3 repositories under cycloid-drawing-machine topic.

  • johnBuffer/Foucloids

    Generates Cycloids that sum up to any 2D shape using Fourier transform

  • drewim/cycloidal_drive

    Python code for creating cycloid disc for a cycloidal drive. Can modify parameters and output equations and parameters for Solidworks. Can also generate a plot for resulting cycloidal disc

  • ninadhw/Trippy-Shape-Drawing

    It simulates the trajectory of a point somewhere on a cycloid drawing machine. I kept adding gears to the gear train to get nice shapes. The code also stores the point array in a txt file called "outputx.txt" in case you want to import those points in other softwares. I imported those drawings in draftsight to create .dxf files for laser etching. I had a friend make stainless steel coasters for me and had the shapes laser etched using the dxf files I made in draftsight.
