
There are 3 repositories under dail-madsen-model topic.

  • zipkinlab/DiRenzo_etal_2018_EcoApps

    DiRenzo, G. V., E. Zipkin, E. C. Grant, J. A. Royle, A. V. Longo, K. Z. Zamudio, and K. R. Lips. 2018. Eco-evolutionary rescue promotes host-pathogen coexistence. Ecological Applications 28: 1948-1962.

  • zipkinlab/DiRenzo_etal_2019_EcolAndEvol

    DiRenzo G. V., Che‐Castaldo C., Saunders S. P., Campbell Grant E. H., Zipkin E. F. 2019. Disease‐structured N‐mixture models: A practical guide to model disease dynamics using count data. Ecology and Evolution 9: 899–909.

  • zipkinlab/Zipkin_etal_2017_Ecol

    Zipkin E.F., Rossman S., Yackulic C., Wiens J.D., Thorson J.T., Davis R.J., and Grant E.H.C. 2017. Integrating count and detection-nondetection data to model population dynamics. Ecology. 98: 1640-1650.
