
There are 427 repositories under dao-design-pattern topic.

  • Shubh2-0/WorkFolio

    WorkFolio is a Spring Boot web app for efficient employee data management. It features login protection using Spring Security and a user-friendly interface with Bootstrap. Explore the code and JavaDocs for complete project insights. 🚀

  • Jitsu-13/Auction_Management_System

    Automated Auction System is an Application Software that is used for the buying and selling of products. This software can be used by the auction companies who arrange the Auction. Various buyers and sellers are registered in the Auction company. Following are the lists of various users of the system and also the role of the users.

  • ali-ahnaf/ePatient

    A hospital management application built using JavaFX

  • ElmarDott/TP-CORE

    together Platform (CORE) :: A tiny component framework

  • Rashid185rr/java-auto-dao-crud-generator-application

    We have put our wholehearted efforts to build a platform for those young and professional entrepreneurs who just want to excel from the startup phase. We were always encouraged to produce a kind of service to them where they can easily build their CRUD application for their new business endeavor. We believe programmers are more than repeating the same piece of codes in every project. They should move on from it and explore the new horizons while working with Artificial Intelligence. The IDEs, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator have made the drag-and-drop feature more common that is saving the valuable time and money of the professionals. If someone wants to build their Enterprise application for their startups they should not approach towards the programmers rather build their own by using Java. All in all, We are leaving responsibilities to the young professionals to expand it further where it could reach the heights of easiness. We believe it is you, the only one who can make this happen

  • ritikrana0169/PayBill-Application

    It's a console based App in which user can apply for Electricity connections and Admin can add consumers that have been applied for new connection.

  • krehicbenjamin/NetBug-WorldVision-NewsWebsite

    IBU Project for the class Introduction to Web Programming

  • purplenoodlesoop/typed-preferences

    💾 Expressive and type-safe wrapper around Shared Preferences with additional features like Observers and DAOs.

  • alfahami/pharmacie

    Application web JEE de gestion d'une pharmacie utilisant le pattern DAO avec un système de pagination

  • AymenChla/Gestion-de-scolarite

    Gestion de scolarité entre administration, enseignants et étudiants (gestion des notes, annonces et emplois du temps).

  • Freeuni-Lekva/final-project-machinarium

    Entertaining web application and platform for the multiplayer game “Machinarium”.

  • Rashid185rr/java-auto-dao-crud-generator-application1920x1080resolultion

    We have put our wholehearted efforts to build a platform for those young and professional entrepreneurs who just want to excel from the startup phase. We were always encouraged to produce a kind of service to them where they can easily build their CRUD application for their new business endeavor. We believe programmers are more than repeating the same piece of codes in every project. They should move on from it and explore the new horizons while working with Artificial Intelligence. The IDEs, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator have made the drag-and-drop feature more common that is saving the valuable time and money of the professionals. If someone wants to build their Enterprise application for their startups they should not approach towards the programmers rather build their own by using Java. All in all, We are leaving responsibilities to the young professionals to expand it further where it could reach the heights of easiness. We believe it is you, the only one who can make this happen

  • sharonJXR/Java-Online-Bookstore

    Updated version; Hosted on windowsX64 Server, built with Tomcat8, oracle11g and java8; demo: ;

  • abhidas0810/wiggly-bucket-6915

    The back-end of online banking where the admin can log in to the system and can manage the features of the website such as create new account, deposit, withdrawal account closing etc. And the customer can also log in and perform activities such as transfer money from one account to other.

  • activequant/mcp

    Model to Code Processor, takes a model file and runs it through a set of velocity macros to generate JPA Entities, DAO interface and implementation, Service interface and implementation (All as very nice code). Give it a try, contribute additional templates :-)

  • anasmak04/simplon

    # formation simplon 2022 stack Java & Angular(Java JEE , Spring Boot , Angular , Postgresql) Groupe SoussTalents101

  • AnujaKoralage/WholeSaleMavenSpringJPA

    This system was developed for whole sale order and item management system for super market. System was developed using Layered Architecture and Singleton, Factory, DAO, DTO, Strategy design patterns with JPA, Spring and Maven

  • ersudhist/Automated-Student-Registration-System

    Console based project of Automated Student Registration System using Java, JDBC and MySQL technologies.

  • FernandoCalmet/net-framework-4-winforms-crud-dao-dto

    🦄 Este proyecto es una muestra de CRUD con filtro de busqueda de datos utilizando los patrones de DAO (Data Abstract Object) + DTO (Data Trasnfer Object) + Singleton. Se utilizo WindowsForms con C#.

  • GustaAndrad/worshop-javafx-jdbc

    Projeto basico de aplicaçao desktop com javaFX e banco de dados MySQL com JDBC. Programa para acessar banco de dados e realizar açoes ( adicionar, remover e editar items do banco de dados) atraves de um painel feito utilizando JavaFX com o programa SceneBuilder.

  • Harry96444/EasyQuizApplication

    An User Friendly Quiz Application where you can give Test as a student and Set or access different Functions as a Admin.

  • ilvacca/understanding-web-api

    Understanding WebAPIs architectures with Python, Flask & SQLite/SQLAlchemy packages.

  • iprashantgit/Cab-Management-System

    This is Simple Core Java 'Cab Booking System' using DAO Design Pattern. It also connects this system to MySql database using JDBC.

  • jhweintraub/ERC-6506

    Official reference implementation for ERC-6505, the standard for P2P Escrowed Governance-Incentives.

  • josue-lubaki/SAPP

    Application Android de vente des vêtements 🧥👖

  • Kundan-10/festive-lake-9492

    The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act is a scheme by which unskilled people of rural India are guaranteed to have 100 days of paid work. Main objective of this project is to manage employments offered through this scheme.

  • naman14310/Design_Patterns_In_Java_CRUD

    Database interaction with DAO and DTO design patterns and perform CRUD operation ( Create , Read , Update , Delete ) using prepared statement .

  • Afzhal-ahmed-s/Automated-student-registration-system

    Console based project of Automated student registration system using Java, JDBC and MySQL technologies. Created under time frame of 4 days.

  • Akhiltop/Course_Management_System

    This is a system which helps the faculty head to work on various courses available in an institution and handle them easily. A console based project which can be customized according to the functionalities required by the user.

  • AntonioMrtz/ZeppelinUM

    UberEats like App for food delivery

  • checkdot/CheckDot.DAOProxyContract

    Smart contract proxy with upgrade management using a DAO governance token and a voting system. Complies with the EIP-1967 standard + Adds new storage areas specific to DAO programs.

  • jameswong3388/FOODIE-U

    Food Ordering Software

  • Jitsu-13/manrega_worker_management

    It is a scheme by which unskilled people of rural India are guaranteed to have 100 days of paid work. Main objective of this project is to manage employments offered through this scheme.

  • sakshiDwivedi171/worried-poison-3372

    The main objective of this project is to cater the needs of the passenger who are traveling from one point to another. This project have contains essential modules like Customer and Administrator. User can book / reserved his ticket one day before.

  • sanuatmasai/Student-Registration-App

    Students are enrolled in different courses under different technology. This automated application help to enroll students, create batches under a course and allocates batch with many functionality.

  • yatinkumar01/exuberant-place-760

    A Bus Reservation Ticketing System using Java , SQL, JDBC and DAO Pattern
