
There are 97 repositories under daraja-api topic.

  • jumaallan/android-mpesa-api

    Android MPESA SDK Library to provide smooth MPESA Experience in Android - Dubbed Daraja

  • Domains18/NodeJsDaraja

    A simple REST API service built with javascript, express and mongodb showing how to use daraja API by safaricom to intergrate payments for eccommerce app. It utilises the Express STK push to prompt the customer to authenticate the request by the input of their Mpesa pin

  • martinmogusu/django-daraja

    A python django library for interacting with the MPESA Daraja API

  • bnjunge/MPESA-API-Tutorial

    This is a Daraja API MPESA tutorial repo

  • stangatimu/safaricom-daraja-api-stk-push-python

    A simple flask API to initialize lipa na mpesa stk push

  • gathuku/laravel_mpesa

    A simple mpesa package for laravel framework | https://beyode.co.ke/mpesa

  • amosmachora/daraja-kit

    A react / node library to improve the DX of interacting with Safaricom`s daraja APIS

  • VictorKabata/DarajaMultiplatform

    Kotlin Multiplatform wrapper for Daraja(M-Pesa) API for Kotlin and Swift clients

  • Domains18/SafaricomDarajaFrontEnd

    A frontend repository showing how to consume Daraja api from the frontend. Shows how to handle errors and status code recieved from safaricom daraja api.

  • mpesa


    A laravel wrapper for the Mpesa Daraja APIs

  • fbiego/MpesaSTK

    An Arduino Library implementing MPESA Daraja on microcontrollers

  • ItsMurumba/laravel-mpesa

    Laravel 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 package for Mpesa Daraja API

  • Iankumu/Payments

    Contains a simple Laravel implementation of the various Payment Gateways

  • bensalcie/payhero-android-mpesa

    Android MPESA library to request STK Push using MPESA Daraja API.

  • codelens254/daraja-api

    Contains Java (Spring Framework) Implementations Of Mpesa Daraja API

  • dkiptugen/mpesa-php-full-integration

    This is an integration to the mpesa daraja API using codeigniter.

  • mutiadavid/MpesaSDK.NET

    Safaricom mobile banking 'MPESA' SDK implementation for .NET.

  • MuindiStephen/mpesa-payment-integration

    Android MPESA - Linking Lipa na M-Pesa PAYMENT service with small and medium-sized businesses [C2B] with MPESA PAYMENT GATEWAY/INTEGRATION

  • beamkenya/ex_mpesa

    Daraja API(Mpesa) Payment Library for Elixir

  • Kalutu/django-mpesa-daraja

    A web application that integrates with the Safaricom Mpesa Daraja API for seamless mobile payment processing.

  • conduit


    REST API integrated with third party Safaricom's Mpesa Daraja API an Application Programming Interface that creates a bridge for payment integration to web and mobile apps.

  • Quantumke/mpesawrapper

    New Daraja MPESA api as at https://developer.safaricom.co.ke

  • savannabits/daraja

    Safaricom Mpesa API (Safaricom Daraja) for PHP Laravel . Simple integration with safaricom's MPESA API dubbed { DARAJA } and allow you to make requests in the nice Laravel chaining way that we all know and love.

  • Developer-felix/PTCKE

    Financial strain and suicide attempts are becoming part of the big deal in the universities and college students in Kenya. While doing my research of what has been happening and the factors that a leading in causing such suicide cases I found one of them to be having a higher rating which is the mis management of funds. What is mismanagement of funds in university? What causes the mismanagement of funds in the university? Do parents usually send money to their children at School? Will these problems get a solution? These are some of the questions that kept ringing in my mind while doing this research. After a few consultations by interrogating my friends and fellow students in Katarina university that probably what might be some factors that can cause such issues that I have stated above, I came to conclude that there is a problem when it comes to the student’s side in the management of the money they are sent by the parents. Parents usually send money to their children and have expectations that the money sent to these students can be used in a specific period of time. The money is in the child’s hand, they fail to plan on how to use it and thus causing overestimation of budget which leads to early consumption of the money they were given by their parents. Ladies in universities also go to an extent of being used by men in order to get money to sustain them so that they can wait for their parents to send some cash to them Some of them go to an extent of taking alcohol and doing immoral things at school because of the amount of money they receive at once from their parent. These can go to an extent of being stressed and later some of them prefer suicide. As a computer science student, I thought of this to be stopped by implementing a software that can be used to bridge the connection between the parents and the children at the university. Using the current technology, we can use them to solve such problems and thus end up saving lives of many at the university.

  • matrixjnr/mpesa-node-api

    Mpesa API library implemented in Nodejs

  • Morvin-Ian/mpesa-daraja-api

    Integrating the Daraja-Api with Python language. Integreations dealt with include Authorization, Mpesa express, Customer to Business (C2B api), etc.

  • starnerz/laravel-daraja

    A laravel package for the Safaricom Daraja APIs.

  • CreamyMilk/DarajaSTK

    A simple implementation 🙂🙂 of "Lipa na Mpesa Online using STK Push 💸 offered by the Safaricom Daraja Api

  • davidmuraya/fastapi-daraja

    M-PESA Daraja APIs with FastAPI

  • fbiego/MPESA_1tap_ESP32

    M-PESA 1Tap demo on ESP32

  • martinmogusu/darajambili

    Safaricom Daraja API listener

  • Ngahu/django-mpesa-app

    Integrating with Safaricom Daraja API using Python Django

  • Psycadelik/mpesa

    A demonstration of how to integrate Mpesa Express, C2B, B2C and B2B using the daraja API on safaricom

  • s-sawe/Courier

    My final year project that allows small omnichannel retailers to outsource their delivery needs. It implements M-Pesa STK push for till payment options upon delivery of packages. It also uses the Google Maps API for live location tracking

  • SHIFTECH-AFRICA/pam-php-sdk

    Is a fintech solution that makes it easy for you to easily manage M-Pesa PayBills/Till Numbers just within the same system. It centralizes all your funds in one portal, which gives you accessibility, manageability, and flexibility of all your fund's collections easily.

  • amosmachora/daraja-kit-docs

    Improving the DX of interacting with the safaricom daraja APIs.
