
There are 161 repositories under dash-plotly topic.

  • ethanopp/fitly

    Self hosted web analytics for endurance athletes

  • AntoniDabrowski/RI-DASH

    Summary of 'genomic analysis' conducted at the Right Information company. Code for our portfolio page.

  • thusharabandara/dash-app-render-deployment

    A step-by-step guide for deploying your Dash application on Render

  • AlbughdadiM/satellite-sam-dashboard

    This app integrates the Segment Anything Model (SAM) with Sentinel-2 data. The app is built using Dash Plotly and dash leaflet. It allows segmenting satellite images using the two ways provided by SAM: automatic mask generator and prompt segmentation (using points and bounding boxes).

  • secsilm/bifrost

    Connect gpus with your eyes.

  • suiluj/pi-adhoc-mqtt-cluster

    Using batman-adv to connect several raspberrypi to a mesh network and creating a vernemq cluster

  • Alro10/twitter-sentiment-live

    Sentiment analysis for tweets written in Portuguese-Brazil

  • ananya173147/Stock-Recommendation-Dashboard

    A dashboard for helping beginners identify trading opportunities through technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and possible future projections.

  • dockerDashPlotlyGUnicorn


    A complete stack for running a Docker container with Python 3.8 and all the necesary dependencies for Dash Plotly with GUnicorn as HTTP Server.

  • CNFeffery/feffery-dash-utils


  • suryasashankgundepudi/technical-analysis-visualization-using-python-v1

    This is a web application to visualize various famous technical indicators and stocks tickers from user

  • aveedibya/operationSimulation

    Simulation model to run scenarios on staffing/operations readiness for a call center

  • piushvaish/instagram-growth-tool

    Application to increase traffic to an account and gain followers that actively engage with the account.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6101
  • toltec-astro/dash_component_template

    A framework to create reusable Dash layout.

  • taylorplumer/classifiers-dash

    Dash web app for binary classification model selection

  • JCamacho4/traffic-digital-twin

    This project provides an integrated environment with tools to study traffic flow in Teatinos, Málaga. It automatically collects, refines, and stores traffic information for effective historical analysis. Additionally, it uses an Agent-Based Model (ABM) to simulate traffic behavior.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook40
  • pillaikartik10/reddit-sentiment-analysis-dashboard

    A Reddit Post Sentiment Analysis Dashboard created with Python using PRAW and Dash Plotly

  • pineapple-bois/Double_Pendulum_App

    Dash App - Simulation of double pendulum equations of motion

  • SAMY-ER/Interactive-Kmeans

    This is a Web Application meant for interactively visualizing the K-means clustering algorithm. The purpose is to showcase the strengths and limitations of the method under different settings (data shape, size, number of clusters, number of centroids, initialization method etc.).

  • StepanTita/bstree-tango

    Tango trees are an advanced binary search tree that aims to optimize the search operation by minimizing rotations. By maintaining a set of preferred paths and adjusting them dynamically, Tango trees ensure efficient access to frequently searche

  • JBris/deep-root-gen

    A simulation model for the digital reconstruction of 3D root system architectures. Integrated with a simulation-based inference generative deep learning model.

  • justas-b/ecommerce-dashboard

    E-commerce dashboard that displays a number of aggregated data and analytics from sale data.

  • Niraj-kumbhar/Stock_Forcast_project

    Stock Price Forecast App is based on Machine Learning. By providing number of days , we can predict trend in Stock Price. The frontend of App is based on Dash-plotly framework. Model is predicting stock price using Support Vector Regression algorithm. App can predict next 5-10 days trend using past 60 days data.

  • Ruqyai/Data-Engineering-Course

    A data engineering course that focuses on how to create a real-time Twitter analytics dashboard for streaming tweets with a sentiment analysis (NLP) feature.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook30013
  • AlejandroMarchan/collage-maker

    Dash app for generating photo mosaics from a reference photo using other pictures. Implemented using K-Means for color clustering.

  • flexx3/Stock_trading_strategy_backtester_app

    This is a prototype quant web app for stock traders. The app enables stock traders to analyse stocks using indicators such as bollingerbands, ema, sma and rsi including candlestick charts to observe price movements, velocity , volume and momentum for a specified trading session.Strategies are backtested to determine profitability and overcome loses

  • itspxly/dash-kpiwidgets

    KPI Widget Component for Dash by Plotly

  • luewh/VideoScripy

    WebUI for hardware accelerated video optimizing, upscaling, interpolating processes

  • m-marqx/Inventory.Retracement.Bar.APP

    A simple way to analyze the Inventory Retracement Bar strategy via a dashboard

  • miguelfermo/Dashboards

    Dashboards em Python, aplicação como Power BI

  • Personal-Loan-Status-Prediction-App
  • showman-sharma/stonks-app

    A single-page web application using Dash (a python framework) and LSTM based machine learning models which will show company information (logo, registered name and description) and stock plots based on the stock code given by the user. Also the ML model will enable the user to get predicted stock prices for the date inputted by the user.

  • UsilaDobry/Time_Series_Dash_app

    based on the Yandex Practicum educational project

  • viczommers/FX-Imbalance-Dashboard

    Analyse movements in Forex exchange rate vs. growth in M2 Money Supply

  • zalihat/Nigerian-Price-Watch

    A price tracker for selected goods/products and commodities in Nigeria. Data is scraped from the National bureau of statistics website

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2191
  • ploomber/dash-react-syntax-highlighter

    Syntax highlighting for code snippets in your Dash apps.
