
There are 8 repositories under data-analytics-project topic.

  • shsarv/Data-Analytics-Projects-in-python

    A collection of data analysis and visualization projects designed to uncover insights from diverse datasets. These projects include analyses on COVID-19 trends, stock trading patterns, housing market prices, IoT data, and more, showcasing the power of data-driven storytelling.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook912033
  • avishek-choudhary/Music-Store-Analysis

    This repository contains a SQL dataset of a music store and SQL queries to answer questions about the data. The results of the SQL queries can be found in the analysis.sql file. This repository can be used as a starting point for anyone who wants to learn how to use SQL to analyze data.

  • mikeolaniyi/Covid19_Vaccination_Analysis_in_SQL

    The covid-19 Pandemic was one of a kind that took many lives. I embarked on a journey to get insights on Covid's impact on the

  • avishek-choudhary/E-Commerce-Store-Analysis-

    This repository contains a Power Bi dashboard of an E-commerce store to answer questions about the data. The insights of the dashboard can be found in the results.txt file. This repository can be used as a starting point for anyone who wants to learn how to use Power Bi to analyze data.

  • burhanahmed1/LaptopPricing-MachineLearning-Analysis

    Data Analysis, training Machine Learning models, and Model Evaluation and Refinement for LaptopPricing dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • nsavarn/ntiwari-PGDBA-miniproject

    PGDBA - ML-miniproject - Telephone-Data-Churn

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • devanshijbhatt/Call-Center-Performance-Analytics

    This project analyzes and reports key metrics and insights from a call center performance dashboard. The dashboard provides a comprehensive view of call center operations, including response times, satisfaction scores, call volumes, agent performance, and topic distribution.

  • dikshita168/Music-Store-Analysis-Using-SQL

    This project involves analyzing the sales data of a music store using SQL, contains a SQL dataset of a music store and SQL queries to answer questions about the data.