
There are 11 repositories under data-extraction-and-pre-processing topic.

  • goyalcharu/Water-potability-prediction

    Water Potability Prediction Using Various Supervised Machine Learning Models

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • santhoshse7en/Alcoholics-Anonymous

    Research Project to analyse the knowledge about Alcoholics Anonymous in public

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2301
  • dinstpev/public-data-analyzer

    This project was implemented as part of my master's thesis in the program "Specialization in Information Systems" at the Hellenic Open University (HOU)/

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • hicranA/heatwave-warning-system

    The Global Heatwave Warning Systems Analysis Project was an initiative to develop an advanced warning system for heatwaves worldwide. It involved extracting and analyzing complex meteorological data to predict heatwave occurrences, thereby aiding in timely and effective response strategies for affected regions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • jio-gl/garlopy

    A Scrapely scraper clone (machine learning HTML scrapping from examples) using BeautifulSoup

  • ksm26/Functions-Tools-and-Agents-with-LangChain

    Explore Functions, Tools and Agents with LangChain along with LangChain Expression Language

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1103
  • rrambhia22/Student360

    Student 360 deals with analyzing the student performance based on the various external factors to determine the student dropout rate and predict the CGPA of the students.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • cmeneses1/asturnerGLinares

    Se detallan los pasos para procesar mediante OCR y SpaCy-Stanza un censo histórico para la extracción automática de información histórica de valor.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • richardogoma/incremental-hash-extractor

    Project files for incremental data extraction from CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index RESTFul API using a cryptographic hashing algorithm

  • srosalino/Data_Wrangling_Investigations

    Series of 3 investigation works, regarding the subject of Data Wrangling (Acquire data from different sources; Understand how to clean and pre-process data; Transform data for analytics purposes; Perform feature engineering; Visualize data)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10