
There are 45 repositories under dataaccess topic.

  • DataBooster/DbWebApi

    (Migrated from CodePlex) DbWebApi is a .Net library that implement an entirely generic Web API (RESTful) for HTTP clients to call database (Oracle & SQL Server) stored procedures or functions in a managed way out-of-the-box without any configuration or coding.

  • eblondel/ows4R

    R Interface for OGC Web-Services (OWS)

  • usausa/Smart-Net-Data-Accessor

    2-way/outside SQL build-time data accessor generator library.

  • mehmetozdeemiir/DbFirst-CodeFirst

    In this project, I examined the terms database first and code first and developed an application.

  • ICOS-Carbon-Portal/pylib

    Python library for direct access to ICOS time series data.

  • mehmetozdeemiir/IMDbProject

    In this project In layered architecture, by using Entity Framework technology, it is tried to understand the repository logic and Assigned tables.

  • dguduguntla/spring-jpa-lazyload

    Demonstrate Hibernate lazyloading

  • RocherKong/Bara

    micro orm for .net cross-platform.Bara is a .Net library for Orm. Bara provides quick access to DataBase. Also it is a cross-platform orm which is written by .net Standard version 1.4 . You Can use it on .net Framwork platform or .net Core platform with Any type DataBase which Dapper Support.

  • fuembayrak/ImdbAppProject

    Bu projede katmanli mimaride EntityFreamwork Teknolojisi kullanilarak katmanli mimaride Repository mantiginin ve Assaigned tablolarin anlasilmasi calisilmistir.

  • LiteXDbHelper


    LiteXDbHelper is simple yet powerful and very high-performance DB Helper Class for different database providers like SqlServer, MySql, PostgreSql, MariaDB, Oracle in C#

  • bcgov/MFIN-Data-Catalogue

    The Finance Data Catalogue enables users to discover data holdings at the BC Ministry of Finance and offers information and functionality that benefits consumers of data for business purposes. The product is built using Drupal and adheres to the Government of BC's Core Administrative and Descriptive etadata Standard.

  • Hasanaltan-cpu/DataAccessRepo

    In this project, we use data access tools as an Entity Framework.Initally you see definition of ORM then why we use EntityFramework then i will show some linq methods for database searches.In addition to that i will use Northwind database on SQL by using EntityFramework by DatabaseFirst approach & by CodeFirst approach.In a conclusion,i create a Phone Index For CRUD processes.

  • Nikoo-Asadnejad/MongoGenericRepository

    A Class library contains generic repository pattern for accessing Mongo db

  • sameteeraslann/IMDbProject

    Bu projede ; Katmanlı mimaride, Entity Framework teknolojisi kullanılarak, repository mantığının ve Assigned tabloların anlaşmasına çalışılmıştır.

  • oguzhanKomcu/DATA_ACCESS

    I have created my examples of data access topics in this repository. I have examples and projects on topics such as entity framework , data first , code first , Orm , database creation.

  • RidvanOrun/BasicShoppingProject

    Bu proje Asp.NetCore teknolojisinin getirdiği yenilikleri öğrenmek ve uygulamak amacıyla yapılmıştır.

  • SongulSYTRK/Data_Access

    İn this Repository, has meaning of ORM , EntityFramework, Lazy-Eager Loading , DbFirst , CodeFirst, Linq To EF, Linq to SQL,

  • usausa/Smart-Net-Data-Mapper

    Micro-orm mainly for environments that do not support code generation.

  • DevExpress-Examples/reporting-web-object-data-source

    This example contains the projects with the Document Viewer and Report Designer for ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core and Blazor Server. The projects show how to create an object data source, bind it to the report and restore the object data source when the Document Viewer or Report Designer loads a report from the REPX file.

  • JavierCanon/

    🗃🧾 Lightweight high-performance data access components for query SQL, Excel, CSV, etc.

  • usausa/Smart-Net-Mock-Data

    ADO.NET mock library.

  • KSH-Modszertan/SKM

    Statisztikai Kutatói Műhely Github oldala

  • Ampla/Ampla-Data

    Ampla Webservice Data Access and classes that supports a model based repository pattern

  • danieljoserodriguez/

    Platform agnostic Core Python 3 based Library focused on the foundations for AI. Much like that of common libraries for websites or enterprise systems except that narrowly focused for AI based applications and systems.

  • nicecodeclub/Nice.DataAccess

    C# 【Nice.DataAccess】轻量级数据库ORM

  • TaxDemo


    C# DOT NET The Tax Calculation API authorizes the user and the API access. The SQLite that contains the API keys is encrypted and can, once created, be shipped, and the respective secrets be shared later.

  • petterek/blitzDb

    .Net data access made simple.

  • questionlp/wwdtm

    Wait Wait Don't Tell Me! Stats Python Library Version 2

  • usausa/Smart-Net-Data

    Data access helper.

  • MIBogdan/Link-Academy-DataAccess2324

    This repository contains projects from my Data Access course at Link Academy. It includes SQL exercises, cookies, WebSocket, and server implementations. The projects showcase database operations, client-server communication, and data management techniques, reflecting my skills in handling data-driven applications.

  • SethLawson07/Go_projects

    Golang projects

  • BerkBasat/Technomarkt--Ecommerce

    E-commerce project developed using N-tier architecture with MVC 5.

  • EditaMarija/MinimalAPI

    Minimal API Project

  • fou1100ouacus/Reflection-Mini-Projects-with-different-Ideas-

    Reflection Mini Projects with different Ideas^^

  • usausa/mini-data-profiler

    Minimum data profiler for ADO.NET.
