
There are 32 repositories under database-queries topic.

  • tmarois/Filebase

    A Simple but Powerful Flat File Database Storage.

  • filterable


    πŸ” Enhance Laravel queries with adaptable, customisable filters and intelligent caching to improve both performance and functionality.

  • index-digest


    Analyses your database queries and schema and suggests indices and schema improvements

  • sohail0992/Hostel-management-system

    Hostel management system

  • jexp/boltsh

    Bolt Cypher Shell, built with OCLIF

  • bytebutcher/pydfql

    Wireshark-like display filter for various data formats, including Python dictionaries, lists, objects, and SQL databases.

  • smileyVars


    Template engine for SQL

  • nbayramberdiyev/pdo-wrapper

    Simple yet efficient PDO wrapper.

  • winmain/querio

    Scala ORM, DSL, and code generator for database queries

  • dev4press/db-updates-for-bbpress

    Proposed new database schema for bbPress with the goal of improving bbPress performance and stop using wp_postmeta database table.

  • nidhiupman568/MY-SQL-PROBLEM-SOLVED

    🌟Welcome to a curated πŸ“š collection πŸ“š of solved πŸ› οΈ MySQL πŸ’Ύ interview πŸ’¬ problems ❓ from LeetCode πŸ’‘. πŸ“ŠπŸ” This section πŸ“š showcases πŸ” key questions ❓ and their solutions πŸ’‘, providing πŸ“Š a valuable πŸ› οΈ resource πŸ“š for anyone πŸ’¬ preparing πŸ› οΈ for SQL πŸ’Ύ interviews πŸ’¬. πŸš€

  • Jeffrey-Kimani/Pontious

    Pontious is an ORM library that provides a way to do SQL queries without necessarily writing SQL Query code. It is built over SQL2o to provide a nice ORM touch.

  • kalidas120799/database-queries

    firebase mongodb and mysql database queries

  • parth428/sql-movie-analysis

    This repository contains an SQL project for extracting insights from a movie database. Through structured SQL queries, it answers questions about movie titles, actors, directors, and their roles, ideal for practicing database querying and analysis with a real-world focus.

  • MoaviaMahmood/Data_analytics-with-sql-Layoffs_2022-2023

    SQL-based data analysis project examining layoffs during 2022-2023, with insights into industry trends, company impacts, and workforce dynamics.

  • noy-dayan/DataMaster

    User-friendly client-server software with GUI for efficient database table management and data retrieval in Python

  • Siliver4/DragonflyGood_Practices

    Training area, in order to master good practices in matter of code, git history, database queries...

  • StevenKight/RentMeFurnitureRentalSystem

    A real-world database project for hands-on learning Database Design and Implementation, Interacting with DBMSs, SQL Queries, and more Database related features and abilities.

  • uros196/repository

    Repository classes for communication with database

  • usmana5809/Oracle-Database-Project

    Oracle Database project focusing on social, financial, and university management systems. It includes SQL scripts for database creation, data insertion, and querying, along with a detailed README providing setup instructions and usage guideline

  • weggetor/BBQuery

    The bitboxx bbquery module is a DNN module for querying and editing database tables. Its intention is more for intranet than internet. You can define database querys (selects) to every kind of database (if drivers are installed) and even edit the tables if configured like this. if you or your employees need to fire every morning the same query to the database to check if nightly production went well and every record is on his right place, this is the module for you! The minimum DNN Version for this module is 06.01.00.

  • ellyzaveta/airportService

    Implementation of the airport ticket reservation system.

  • MrRioja/databaseQueries-Ignite

    Projeto com solução do desafio de queries com ORM proposto no desafio do módulo III do Ignite na trilha de NodeJS

  • PhpGt/SqlBuilder

    [in development] Object oriented representation of SQL queries.

  • renato3x/simple-jdbc-app

    Simple Java application to connect to database

  • rmodi6/theory-of-database-systems

    Homework files for CSE532 - Theory of Database Systems

  • Sandhya80/Build_InventoryDB_postgreSQL

    A DB schema to organize an inventory of mechanical parts that keep track of all parts, manufacturer, category, location, available inventory, and related infos. This might be updated and queried by an inventory management app that accepts input from users unfamiliar to DB structures. Sufficient data quality checks are needed for valid data entry.

  • Sandhya80/Bytes_OfChina_SQLProject

    Designing a database schema for a restaurant so that it can display menu, ratings and other details on its new website!

  • Sandhya80/Database_Triggers_Project

    Making sure that we have a record of when customer information is modified and to ensure changes match the business rule of an online watch store using Database triggers.

  • Vshivacode/instagram-database-project

    A database clone of Instagram showcasing my SQL skills and database design proficiency. Includes tables for users, photos, likes, comments, tags, and follows. Implements essential functionalities and relationships for a social media platform.

  • YashKumarVerma/celery-sqlcommenter

    Attach SQL comments to correlate celery tasks with SQL statements.
