
There are 10 repositories under dataencryption topic.

  • Pirate-Emperor/CipherX

    CipherX is a verification project for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-128) using Universal Verification Methodology (UVM). It leverages Verilog, SystemVerilog, and Python to ensure robust encryption algorithm validation, integrating comprehensive UVM components and tests.

  • Adrija-G/Computer-Network-Algorithms-in-Python

    A list of all useful programs required in the study of Computer Network.

  • Steganography-Project


    Steganography is the practice of hiding secret information within a non-secret message, image, or other medium. Steganography Project Includes Source Code, PPT, Synopsis, Report, Documents, Base Research Paper & Video tutorials

  • a-Ahmed13/DES

    Data Encryption Standard c/c++

  • DasRaseswari/BonVoyageDatabase

    A travel database management system to view and manage bookings

  • MeetWithRajat/Data-Encryption-Standards

    This is a complete repository of data encryption standards (DES) algorithms where we can encrypt the data from plain text to corresponding cipher text. It takes 64 bit binary string (plain text) as input and produce 64 bit binary string (cipher text) as output.

  • Tzaxast/EncryptedNotepad

    Write text that is encrypted both on disk and on memory(runtime).

  • Gyokujin/MemoryObfuscation

    암호화 및 복호화에 대해 간략하게 학습한 소스코드입니다

  • musmax/mdbstoreBE-express

    This is an ecommerce project that caters for buying and selling of goods. This project is model like jumia and co . its fully express based. Check the swagger to test the endpoints. To view the ERD copy and paste to ur browser url. paystack and wallet are currently used for payments