
There are 8 repositories under datalossprevention topic.

  • GoogleCloudPlatform/dlp-pdf-redaction

    This solution provides an automated, serverless way to redact sensitive data from PDF files using Google Cloud Services like Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Cloud Workflows, and Cloud Run.

  • somansa-oss/endpointdlp

    Endpoint DLP

  • dc401/TCPOptionsDataExfil

    Experimental scripts using Python 3.x and Scapy to transmit data to closed (or open) ports between hosts using only TCP Options

  • nicholasmarasco95/SafetyBackupSystem

    Safety Backup System is a project complete of Client, Server and Remote Access software, developed to improve security of users. It's extremely useful to prevent data loss in case of cyberattack or hardware malfunction. SBS can backup computer files and send them to a remote server or store them in an external device.

  • g3tsyst3m/DLPSleuth

    a simple lightweight windows DLP client for data at rest

  • dc401/dataexfil-ultrasound

    A simple script to demonstrate data exfiltration using the ggwave API creating ultrasound audio.

  • mesmacosta/dlp-to-datacatalog-tags-tutorial

    Walkthrough tutorial for DLP and Data Catalog script.

  • dc401/gologexfil

    Quick and dirty method do data exfil binary files in the form of hex strings to GCP's cloud logging easily bypassing most DLP
