
There are 27 repositories under datasecurity topic.

  • xcanwin/KeepChatGPT


  • hawk-eye


    A powerful scanner to scan your Filesystem, S3, MySQL, Redis, Google Cloud Storage and Firebase storage for PII and sensitive data.


    Securing LLM's Against Top 10 OWASP Large Language Model Vulnerabilities 2024

  • usherlabs/verity-dp

    Usher Labs' Verity zkTLS Data Processor Framework

  • DannnyzZ/CipherPurge

    Modern data sanitization software in compliance with NIST SP 800-88 Guidelines

  • ajayagrawalgit/ScareCrypt

    A Cross-Platform Professional-Grade Python Command-line tool for Data Encryption

  • AnandJogawade/Password-Strength-Analysis-Tool

    Password Strength Analysis Tool

  • Gustavo-H-Martins/desafio_panvel-data_engineer

    Projeto de Engenharia de Dados

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • michelereginabora/Secure-Login

    This project consists of a secure login system developed in Python. The security consists of encryption through the bcrypt, data encryption library and two factor authentication.

  • rcastrucci/ucrypt

    Ucrypt is a versatile encryption tool, written in Python and designed to meet the demands of the most security-conscious software users.

  • syahrulrzk/DataSecurity

    It is a concept that covers every aspect of information security from the physical security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls, as well as the logical security of software applications.

  • BeboFekry/Cryptography

    Ctyptography basic algorithms implementation for Encryption, Decryption, and Attack (Additive Cipher, Multiplicative Cipher, Affine Cipher, Vigenere Cipher, RSA, SDES)

  • Cool-Industries/cloak

    A simple proof of concept method for SSPs (Syringe Service Providers) to obfuscate unique identifiers in their data.

  • crackmanageengine/Security-information-and-event-management

    Security information and event management

  • lilian-swen/ApplyingGPDtoHeartDiseaseData

    This project focuses on enhancing healthcare data security and privacy. We leveraged the Gaussian Differential Privacy (GDP) algorithm to protect individual patient information while enabling robust data analysis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • michaelleoniuk/movie-app-1

    Server-side component of a movies "MyFlix" web application. The web application will provide users with access to information about different movies, directors, and genres. Users will be able to sign up, update their personal information, and create a list of their favorite movies.

  • Mr-vero/LazyCrypt

    LazyCrypt is meticulously crafted for robust key generation, hash creation, and authenticated encryption, employing the formidable AES-256-CBC algorithm. This module offers a seamless and user-friendly approach to managing cryptographic operations within your Node.js applications, ensuring heightened security and ease of integration.

  • Offshore-CAT/Offshore.CAT

    Offshore.CAT provides DMCA-ignored offshore hosting solutions. Built with HTML and CSS, it offers an intuitive interface for seamless interaction and data presentation. The project aims to offer reliable and anonymous hosting services, ensuring that user data is secure and protected from DMCA takedowns.

  • sambhu431/Salt-Based-Encryption-And-Decryption

    Securely encrypt and decrypt files and folders using salt-based, password-protected methods. Protect your data from hacking, leakage, and theft.

  • shashankatthaluri/Caesar-Cipher-Encryptor-Decryptor

    This project script allows users to encrypt or decrypt messages by shifting each letter in the plaintext a certain number of places up or down the alphabet.

  • sudoerr/FXOR

    Change file data while writing to storage. And read it.

  • Think-Cube/AwesomeSecurity

    Discover an awesome compilation of tools, libraries, and resources for robust security. From network to web security, find everything you need to enhance your security expertise.

  • ocical/ocical

    Github space for Ovidiu Cical - CEO & Founder of Cyscale

  • Steganography-Projects


    This project aims to design and develop a steganography system that enables secure and covert communication. Steganography Project Project Includes Project Includes Source Code, PPT, Synopsis, Report, Documents, Base Research Paper & Video tutorials

  • Super-Cipher-Project


    The Super Cipher Project is a cryptographic system designed to provide ultra-high security for sensitive information. Project Includes Source Code, PPT, Synopsis, Report, Documents, Base Research Paper & Video tutorials

  • pwnosec/data_security_project

    Proyek ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan sistem proteksi keamanan siber dengan fitur-fitur seperti enkripsi data, autentikasi pengguna, autentikasi multi-faktor (MFA), dan logging aktivitas.
