
There are 8 repositories under day-of-week topic.

  • daniellockyer/dow

    Tomohiko Sakamoto's algorithm for finding the day of the week

  • rzgry/DayOfWeekPicker

    🗓 An iOS control for selecting days of the week built with Swift

  • ashykng/find-day-from-date

    This project provides a straightforward web-based tool to find the day of the week for any given date. It’s designed to be simple and efficient, allowing users to quickly determine the day without the need for complex software or tools.

  • MCMi460/date-game

    A fun game with dates!

  • ndsvw/Which-day-of-the-week

    "Which day of the week" is made for people who are trying to learn how to calculate the Day of the Week of a random date within seconds.

  • PrivacyDragon/Day-of-Week-TI-84Plus-CE

    this is a day of week calculate tool for the TI-84+ CE that works correctly, even with dates of before the change to the Gregorian calendar. So it works for both the Julian dates and the Gregorian dates

  • haywalk/doomsday

    Gets the day of the week for any date in the Gregorian calendar, using John Conway's Doomsday rule

  • mitch3lljones/ruby-day-to-string

    DateTime cwday/wday to String Functions
