
There are 5 repositories under daypilot topic.

  • fguiet/AutomationServer

    AutomationServer is a personal home automation project. Currently, it monitors temperatures in my house by controlling independently my electric heaters. Electrical pieces of information from my provider are also collected and saved in a database. Moreover, it launches automatically my water boiler at night when electrical cost is less expensive. This solution is based on Postgresql 9.4, Java, Arduino, DHT22 sensor, XBee, Raspberry first edition

  • 339598u5uut/Gantt_Chart

    Вывод данных, полученных по api, в Gantt Chart.

  • zhu04303661/ionic3-angular4-daypilot

    add moth Scheduler Gannt exp

  • TheEyeOfBrows/DayPilot-Lite

    Fork of DayPilot Lite for ASP.NET WebForms
