
There are 38 repositories under debounce-input topic.

  • MicroBeaut/ADebouncer

    Advanced Debouncer Library for Arduino

  • tsepeti/react-debounce-text

    Debounce text input for super fast react.

  • GabyGold67/ButtonToSwitch_AVR

    Complete buttons to switches library implemented for Arduino, with flags update automation, function callbacks, all encapsulated in classes sharing a common API for simplest implementation, use, modification or replacement when needed.

  • BoloMasta/goit-react-hw-05-movies

    GOIT - React - Homework 5 - Movies

  • melsayedshoaib/wikipedia-search-engine

    Optimizing this project by adding the debounce technique to the search input

  • aditya-nt/tarana2.0

    The music app through all your hazy nights...

  • code-shift/ChatterButton

    Contacts debounce assistant for stable operation of buttons and other hardware triggers

  • dev-Imsaurabh/Movie-App-theme-Hotstar-

    This is a basic clone of Disney+Hotstan which I have created using OMDB Api. I have added search feature , also I have used concept of debouncing where I am trying to reduce API calls done by the user during searching any movie and minimizing server cost.

  • devnax/dboun

    The dboun function is a utility designed to limit the rate at which a function is executed. It ensures that the provided function (fn) is called only after a specified delay (delay) has elapsed since the last invocation. By default, the delay is set to 400 milliseconds.

  • Anjali331997/1mg-clone-Online-Pharmacy-Store

    "Tata 1mg is your trusted online healthcare partner. With a wide range of genuine medicines, reliable diagnostic tests, and convenient home delivery, we ensure your health is our top priority. Explore our comprehensive healthcare services and personalized wellness solutions, empowering you to take charge of your well-being, effortlessly."

  • Anjali331997/Bialetti-Online_Coffee_Essentials_Shopping

    Bialetti Italia is a captivating web application that pays homage to the renowned Italian brand, Bialetti, famous for its exceptional coffee machines, cookware, and small kitchen appliances. Developed as a clone website, this project seamlessly replicates the essence and functionality of the original Bialetti Industries website.

  • dewaleolaoye/debounce-github-search

    Delay search results for some seconds while the user type

  • includeDaniel/ecommerce-search

    A e-commerce search implementation with react

  • itsmanvendra/movie-listing-app

    MoviesMagnet is a NextJS-based movie website that allows users to search for movies by title, sort them by genre, view trending and upcoming movies, and bookmark their favorite movies. The website is designed to be user-friendly and visually appealing.

  • kaiumuddin/news-feeder

    This project is a News Feed application built using React.js and Tailwind CSS, leveraging a variety of modern technologies and features to deliver a dynamic and engaging user experience. The application fetches news data from a provided API and presents it to users in an intuitive and organized manner.

  • mesqueeb/Debouncify

    🔂 Swift actor to debounce anything & SwiftUI View modifier `onChange` with debounce

  • prathyu116/Rick-and-Morty

  • bdubs-astro/DebounceSwitch-Test

    de-bounce a mechanical switch

  • bdubs-astro/uPy_Debounce_Switch

    debounce a switch using interrupts

  • BernieTv/Pizza-Store

    Pizza store created by using Typescript

  • jawkneefence/pokedex

    Custom Pokédex site that is fully responsive down to 320px-width.

  • kikitongky/Debounced-Search-Highlighter-JS

    Debounced search feature with real-time highlighting of search terms.

  • MicroBeaut/MAX6816

    Single Switch Debouncer Library for Arduino

  • MicroBeaut/RepeatButton

    RepeatButton Library for Arduino

  • mohdafjal2004/IMDBFlix

    Netflix-UI Movie Database (React.js, TMDB) | Search & Explore Movies, TV (+ Web Series)! #Reactjs #TMDB #PWA**

  • mubashardev/debounce_controller

    A Flutter package for debounced text input handling with asynchronous operations, powered by GetX. Easily manage multiple controllers, handle errors, and create responsive search experiences.

  • one-numan/debounce-js

    Lets Explore Debounce | Debounce is Programming Technique that prevents a function from being called too frequently reduce unnecessary API Calls or Computations

  • rajachoudhary/Code-Mancers-Assignment

    Its a short post function having UI of facebook . Able to write text and select gif and post

  • yosbergc/google-translate-typescript

    Google Translate Clone with Typescript

  • Bhargav1224/MotorVehicleCollision-App

    I was build an MVC web app which provides features of OTP verification and after login user will able to see the motor-vehicle-collision lists , if user will clicks on particular card he will be going to details page where he can see all the details of collision and the website is responsive for tablet and mobile screens.

  • hmmbug/button

    A lightweight MCU button library with debouncer.

  • PerksofbeingVaibhav/clone-tata

    "Tata 1mg is your trusted online healthcare partner. With a wide range of genuine medicines, reliable diagnostic tests, and convenient home delivery, we ensure your health is our top priority. Explore our comprehensive healthcare services and personalized wellness solutions, empowering you to take charge of your well-being, effortlessly."

  • Satish980/Food-application

    Food Application using React and Redux Bundler

  • tomasz90/two-buttons-interface

    Two Buttons Interface for embedded devices

  • YashMaurya9274/JetSetGo

    An app to see flight details using an API. Dynamic flight retrieval with filters and sorting options - (Users are able to filter the results by airlines. Users are able to sort the results by price)
