
There are 17 repositories under decesion-trees topic.

  • SimonWang00/recommender


  • wildoctopus/heart-disease-detection

    Heart disease detection using different classifiers and neural network with feature engineering.

  • Yarlagadda-saimanoj/Diabetes-Prediction-ML

    A Diabetes prediction Machine learning model using diagnostic data and algorithms such as logistic regression and decision trees. Evaluate their performance and deploy the top-performing model for accurate diabetes prediction.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook30
  • Blacksharkfin/Fake-news-detector

    This model is for detection of fake news using four different classifiers.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Md-Roni024/Build_Train_Test-Model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • NemesLaszlo/Loan-Data-Decision-Tree-and-Random-Forest

    This repository covers a "Lending Club" analysis with decision tree and random forest with data visualizations and exploration.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook120
  • sayedcseku/data-mining

    I tried to implemented two Data Mining theories in Object Detection Problem. One of them is Object Recognition with descriptive statistical feature, and the other one is with Decision Tree.

  • AHBRIJESH/Decesion_Tree_based_Diabetic_Predictor

    Diabetes Prediction Project: Decision Tree Classifier implementation using Pima dataset. Explore data, visualizations, and contribute to enhance accuracy and interpretability. Contributions welcome!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • al-lan-12/Loan_Approval_Predictor

    Data Science project for loan approval prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • angelxd84130/Activity-Analyzer-with-Wearable

    ML application on wearable devices to predict a person's activities.

  • exploredubey/tf_computer_vision

    Exploring MNIST Dataset using Tensorflow and Keras

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0000
  • Piguins/CO2_Emission_Prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • Machinearning-Model-Weather-Prediction-Rain-Snow-


    This project aims to address the challenge of predicting whether it will rain or snow in Hungary based on various meteorological variables.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • ShreyaKulkarnii/Machine-Learning-Project

    The project focuses on identifying the speaker accent to be US or not US using binary classification. This project uses various Machine Learning classification methods like Logistic Regression, KNN, Binary Tree and Random Forests. Using the listed methods, evaluated the performance on the baseline models. To increase the accuracy and to prevent the dataset to be over-fitted or under-fitted various feature extraction and regularization techniques like Lasso and Ridge are used in this project. To increase the testing accuracy, fine-tuned the hyperparameters for the classification models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook01
  • douaa-l/Trees

    In this repository, use of diffrent types of trees models

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • Taufiq-ML/ML-projects

    Predictive models for breast cancer classification using machine learning algorithms. Explore various classification techniques to identify malignant and benign tumors from medical imaging data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook