
There are 34 repositories under decision-tree-regressor topic.

  • Hrishikesh332/Weather-Forecasting-Using-ML

    The aim of this project to see to do the prediction of the weather using the different types of machine learning model.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9103
  • Sarah-2510/Vehicle-Insurance-Claim-Prediction

    A model was built to predict the total insurance claim amount payable by the insurance company using machine learning techniques such as regression in python.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6101
  • avivfaraj/DSCI631-project

    Machine learning project to predict NYC property prices.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5101
  • MHassaanButt/Frequentist-inference-and-regression-modeling

    In this project, I am applying your frequentist inference and regression modelling skills to different datasets. I applied several machine learning algorithms and try to answer research questions of related problems and also perform data visualization to justify my results.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • aiyub645/House-Price-Prediction

    Predicting house prices can help determine the selling price of a house in a particular region and can help people find the right time to buy a home.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • sruti-jain/Predicting-House-Prices---Regression

    Determining the housing prices of California properties for new sellers and also for buyers to estimate the profitability of the deal.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2104
  • VetlaPavanKalyan/MumbaiHousingProject

    Project done by me.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • abkraynak/data-mining

    Applying data mining algorithms to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey dataset using Python

  • ADVAIT135/Forage_Cognizant_Artificial_Intelligence

    This Repository consist of all the Jupyter Notebooks, Images and .CSV files of the tasks that were assigned during the Cognizant Artificial Intelligence Course hosted on Forage

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • ahing/airbnb-feature-analysis

    Using a dataset provided by Airbnb, analysis and predictions will be made to understand what effects the total price of an Airbnb

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • amirR01/Predicting-Breast-Cancer-Survival

    Predicting breast cancer survival using machine learning models

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • DorinK/Assignment-3-Weighted-Random-Forest-Implementation

    Third Assignment in 'Practical topics in Machine Learning' course by Dr. Kfir Bar at Bar-Ilan University

    Language:Jupyter Notebook120
  • ribeiromatheus/dados-enem-2018

    Explorando as notas do ENEM de 2018 tal como análise sobre o gabarito x acertos x erros e criando um Machine Learning para adivinhar as notas.

  • Samir-Zade/ML-DiabetesPrediction-UsingFlaskDeployment

    This repository contains a machine learning project aimed at predicting diabetes using various algorithms such as Decision Tree Regression, Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Gaussian Naive Bayes (GaussianNB). Additionally, it provides a web deployment mechanism for the trained models, enabling easy access and utilization.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Samir-Zade/SVM-Decision-Tree-and-Naive-Bayes-Algorithm

    This repository contains implementations of popular machine learning algorithms including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree, and Naive Bayes. Each algorithm is implemented separately, providing clear and concise examples of their usage for classification tasks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • sedabasaran/Makine-Ogrenimi-Machine-learning

    Machine Learning Examples for Beginners

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • Shwetago/Predicting_App_Ratings

    Predicting using Decision Tree Regressor and Random Forest Regressor

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100

    Future Stock Prediction Model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • AmishaMurarka/Facebook-Comment-Volume-Prediction

    Data in the social networking services is increasing day by day. So, there is heavy requirement to study the highly dynamic behavior of the users towards these services. The task here is to estimate the comment count that a post is expected to receive in next few(H) hours. Data has been scraped from one of the most popular social networking sites - Facebook.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • bhavya1917/Layoffs_Decoded

    Demystifying ~400K layoffs to analyze underlying causes and predict future trends of layoffs by different companies.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • elshaabigail/Apps-Store-Properties-Prediction

    A project aimed at predicting variables of interest within the dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • jasonchoi725/03-tennis-ranking-prediction

    KOR: 개인 프로젝트. 머신러닝을 통해 테니스 선수 랭킹 예측. ENG: A personal project. Predicts rankings of tennis players using linear regression, decision tree regressor and random forest.

  • prajwalDU/Bike-sharing-demand-prdiction-prajwal

    Bike Sharing Demand Prediction By Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms Implementation On Seoul Bike Sharing Dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0201
  • ShreyaPatil1199/Life_Expectancy

    The overall objective of this project is to critically analyze and develop the relationships of quantitative factors affecting life expectancy in 193 countries between 2000 and 2015 that underlie changes in life expectancy. The importance of predicting life expectancy arises because of its important role as an indicator of the overall health.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • srirams04/decision-tree-from-scratch

    A decision tree implementation from scratch using Python, NumPy and pandas for four cases of real/discrete features/output.

  • sultanazhari/predicting-amount-of-gold-extracted

    Zyfra is engaged in developing efficient solutions for heavy industry. as a Data Scientist we should be able to predict the amount of gold extracted or recovered from gold ore.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • anshu0612/ml-algo-from-scratch

    Implemented a Decision Tree Regressor, a Gradient Boosting Regressor, and a Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm.

  • esoto15/chicago-hardship-analysis

    Exploring the impact of socioeconomic indicators on hardship in Chicago neighborhoods using machine learning. Leveraging Linear Regression, Decision Tree, random forest, and Agglomerative Clustering, the project identifies key factors—unemployment, lack of a high school diploma, and poverty—highlighting disparities in the dataset from 2008-2012

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Furk4nBulut/Hitters-Salary-Prediction

    A machine learning application aimed at predicting employee salaries based on various features such as experience, education level, location, etc. By using different models and techniques, the project seeks to present an optimized model for salary predictions.

  • kalhorghazal/House-Price-Prediction

    🏡House Price Prediction, Artificial Intelligence course, University of Tehran

  • prateekagr21/Price-Analysis-of-Audi-Cars-across-Europe

    Determining the Sales of Audi Cars across whole Europe by comparing the specifications as well as the price of some bestselling Models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • sonadukane18/Black_Friday_Sales

    This Project deals with determining the product prices based on the historical retail store sales data. After generating the predictions, our model will help the retail store to decide the price of the products to earn more profits.

  • SoroushGhaderi/diamonds_data_analysis_machine_learning

    Data Analysis and Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10