
There are 16 repositories under decomposition-algorithm topic.

  • edxu96/MatrixOptim.jl

    Data-driven decision making under uncertainty using matrices

  • alberto-santini/cvrp-decomposition

    Decomposition Strategies for Vehicle Routing Heuristics

  • ltjax/decomp

    Triangulation and convex decomposition of polygonal meshes

  • hae98/RobotMotionPlanning

    Robot Motion Planning via Decomposition and Search

  • Manaliagarwal/Eigen-Faces-fetch_olivetti_faces-

    Eigenfaces is an approach to facial recognition based on the overall appearance of a face, not on its particular details. By means of technique that can intercept and reshape the variance present in the image, the reshaped information is treated like the DNA of a face, thus allowing recovery of similar faces (because they have similar variances) in a host of facial images.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3000
  • aliasgharheidaricom/Wavelet-PM2.5-Prediction-System

    Heidari, A.A.; Akhoondzadeh, M.; Chen, H. A Wavelet PM2.5 Prediction System Using Optimized Kernel Extreme Learning with Boruta-XGBoost Feature Selection. Mathematics 2022, 10, 3566.

  • siavashtab/readSMPS-Py

    reading SMPS files in Python (A Python package for reading SMPS files using GUROBI optimizer objects)

  • viktorteren/Seto

    Seto is a library for the decomposition of Transition Systems into subsets of Petri nets, in particular State Machines and Free-choice Petri nets.

  • roland-abel/xpolynomial

    C++ template project provides a flexible way to work with polynomials and calculate their real roots.

  • vaitybharati/P33.-Unsupervised-ML---PCA-Data-Mining-Univ-

    Unsupervised-ML---PCA-Data-Mining-Univ. Import Dataset, Converting data to numpy array, Normalizing the numerical data, Applying PCA Fit Transform to dataset, PCA Components matrix or covariance Matrix, Variance of each PCA, Final Dataframe, Visualization of PCAs, Eigen vector and eigen values for a given matrix.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • kujilit/numerical_methods

    Лабораторные и курсовые работы по дисциплине "Вычислительная математика. Численные методы алгебры."


    Genomic decomposition and reconstruction of non-tumor diploid subclones

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • zhengbo0503/PROJECT---Computing-the-Polar-Decomposition

    Project : Polar Decomposition

  • anamarijapapic/pis-seminarski-zadatak

    Seminar task from college subject SQL Practicum. App that finds primary key candidates and handles database normalization - decomposition to Third Normal Form and Boyce-Codd normal form. 🔑

  • CarlosFernandoXavier/monolise

    Approach to decomposing monolithic applications into microservices

  • JSzitas/what_python_programmers_dont_get

    A simple exploration into why cache and vectorisation matter (more than just big O)
