
There are 13 repositories under defense-methods topic.

  • athena


    Athena: A Framework for Defending Machine Learning Systems Against Adversarial Attacks

  • itailang/geometric_adv

    Geometric Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on 3D Point Clouds (3DV 2021)

  • shehzeen/waveguard_defense

    This is the codebase for defense framework described in USENIX '21 paper "WaveGuard: Understanding and Mitigating Audio Adversarial Examples"

  • torrvision/whoneedsadversaries

    Code implementing the experiments described in the NeurIPS 2018 paper "With Friends Like These, Who Needs Adversaries?".

  • cuge1995/ICCV-2021-adversarial-attacks-and-defense

    ICCV 2021 papers and code focus on adversarial attacks and defense

  • AmiraGuesmi-mls/Defensive-Approximation

    Implementation of our proposed defense strategy against adversarial attacks "Defensive Approximation (DA)"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8102
  • vrikodar/DiaLog

    DiaLog is a powerful Log File Analyzer that can also do passive analysis of malicious IP's Found in web-server Traffic

  • AIRI-Institute/fdd-defense

    Defense of adversarial attacks on FDD models. fdd-defense is a python library with adversarial attacks on Fault Detection and Diagnostic (FDD) models and defense methods against attacks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3215
  • AmiraGuesmi-mls/Stochastic-Input-Transformation

    A stochastic input pre-processing technique based on a process of down-sampling/up-sampling using convolution and transposed convolution layers. Defending convolutional neural network against adversarial attacks.

  • aswenor/rand-perturbations-defense

    Defense methods that utilize randomness to mitigate adversarial attacks on NLP models

  • Sitaras/eClass-Penetration-Testing

    🔒| Evaluating the security (exploiting and fixing vulnerabilities) of Open eClass 2.3 (University of Athens) platform.

  • zhampel/cyphercat

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1300
  • Viniddev/Formacao_Completa_Alura_Typescript

    Este projeto foi desenvolvido durante a formação em Typescript da Alura no qual fomos instruídos sobre como criar regras de negócios, como desenvolver aplicações seguras com a "programação defensiva" e também desenvolvemos e aprofundamos os conhecimentos em POO com o TS.
