
There are 20 repositories under dehazing-algorithm topic.

  • AlphaNext/DFCRN-for-Image-Dehazing

    Implementation code of the paper "Deep Fully Convolutional Regression Networks for Single Image Haze Removal"

  • weitingchen83/Dehazing-PMHLD-Patch-Map-Based-Hybrid-Learning-DehazeNet-for-Single-Image-Haze-Removal-TIP-2020

    This is the source code of PMHLD-Patch-Map-Based-Hybrid-Learning-DehazeNet-for-Single-Image-Haze-Removal which has been accepted by IEEE Transaction on Image Processing 2020.

  • phoenixtreesky7/mof_dehazing

    Multi-scale Optimal Fusion Model for Single Image Dehazing (matlab code)

  • weitingchen83/JSTASR-DesnowNet-ECCV-2020

    This is the project page of our paper which has been published in ECCV 2020.

  • rajiv2004-cloud/Dehazing-model

    AI-ML Based Dehazing / De-smoking Algorithm

  • weitingchen83/PMS-Net

    This is the source code of PMS-Net: Robust Haze Removal Based on Patch Map for Single Images which has been published in CVPR 2019 Long Beach

  • tanvirnwu/HazeSpace2M

    HazeSpace2M is a large scale paired hazy dataset for training and evaluating haze type classification models and single image dehazing models.

  • rrwiyatn/Image-Dehazing-Dark-Channel-Prior

    Dehazing algorithm based on a research paper titled "Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior". Published by: Kaiming He, Jian Sun, Xiaoou Tang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Microsoft Research Asia

  • datngo93/mIFDH

    This is the MATLAB source code of a haze removal algorithm, which dehazes a hazy input image using simple image enhancement techniques, such as detail enhancement, gamma correction, and single-scale image fusion.

  • datngo93/OTM-AAL

    This is the MATLAB source code of a haze removal algorithm published in Remote Sensing (MDPI) under the title "Robust Single-Image Haze Removal Using Optimal Transmission Map and Adaptive Atmospheric Light". The transmission map was estimated by maximizing an objective function quantifying image contrast and sharpness. Additionally, an adaptive atmospheric light was devised to prevent the loss of dark details after removing haze.

  • martiansideofthemoon/blind-dehazing

    An implementation of the ICCP '16 paper "Blind Dehazing Using Internal Patch Recurrence".

  • TaoWangzj/PCFAN

    The code release of paper "CVIU Pyramid Channel-based Feature Attention Network for Image Dehazing", CVIU 2020

  • simpleOnly1/optimial-adaptive-dehaze-master

    Dehaze Algorithm

  • datngo93/HRwFE

    This source code is a MATLAB implementation of a haze removal algorithm that can deal with the post-dehazing false enlargement of white objects effectively. The work was published in MDPI Sensors journal under the title "Single-Image Visibility Restoration: A Machine Learning Approach and Its 4K-Capable Hardware Accelerator".

  • sachinpuranik99/AOD_Net

    AOD Net keras implementation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6347
  • datngo93/ICAP

    This is a MATLAB source code of the paper "Improved Color Attenuation Prior for Single-Image Haze Removal", published in Applied Sciences-Basel (MDPI).

  • Sreeya003/Dehazing-with-object-detection

    This GitHub repository includes code and tools for dehazing photos and videos, as well as object detection. It intends to assist firemen during rescue missions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • arv-7/Saturation-Based-Iterative-Approach-for-Single-Image-Dehazing

    MATLAB implementation of this paper:

  • parmishh/Dehazer

    🚀👀 --->Official repo of Dehaze Package <--- !!resolving the issues!! for website you can still install and use the package 📍Site live:

  • Ojasva-Goyal/CycleGAN-based-Image-Dehazing

    This project implements a CycleGAN-based method for image dehazing on a paired dataset containing hazy images and their corresponding ground truth clear images.
