
There are 9 repositories under deneb topic.

  • avatorl/Deneb-Vega

    This repository contains source code and data for data visualizations created by Andrzej Leszkiewicz using Vega visualization grammar. The visualizations presented here can be embedded into any Power BI report using the Deneb custom visual, as well as directly into any web page or app.

  • avatorl/Deneb-Vega-Templates

    Data visualization templates for Deneb, a custom visual for Power BI. The templates are examples of Vega (not Vega-Lite) data visualizations that can be used in Deneb as is or as a starting point for developing more advanced custom data visualizations. The chart type selection for the templates is based on the Financial Times Visual Vocabulary.

  • jimmygchen/eip4844-devnet

    Files to run a lighthouse / geth client pair on Ethereum EIP-4844 / Deneb devnet for testing

  • avatorl/Deneb-Vega-Help

    Do you need help with Deneb custom visual for Power BI and/or Vega visualization grammar? Create an issue here to get assistance from Deneb community expert Andrzej Leszkiewicz.

  • vdvoorder/deneb-templates

    Collection of templates for the Deneb custom visual in Microsoft Power BI. Save the text as .json file and import to Deneb.

  • cosmos-a/deneb

    Integrated User Management System
