
There are 26 repositories under density-of-states topic.

  • joselado/pyqula

    Python library to compute properties of quantum tight binding models, including topological, electronic and magnetic properties and including the effect of many-body interactions.

  • JuDFTteam/masci-tools

    Post-processing toolkit for electronic structure calculations

  • osscar-org/widget-bandsplot

    A Jupyter widget to plot bandstructure and density of states.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook143364
  • RemiHelleboid/UltimateEPM

    Band Structure and Density of States computation of the Brillouin Zone.

  • cmdlab/Hetero2d

    Automate the discovery of stable 2D materials stacked on substrates (either another 2d or substrate surface)! Compute the properties of the interacting system!

  • harrisonlabollita/w2kplot

    Matplotlib wrapper for WIEN2k post-processing

  • jenskunstmann/vasp-tools

    Matlab tools to visualize and process the output of a VASP calculation.

  • mukkelian/VASP-DOS-plots

    This code is to plot the projected density of states (Spin pol. + SO) from the VASP output file. It requires only POSCAR, DOSCAR files.

  • mukkelian/DOS-integration

    This code can be used to integrate the Density of states (DOS) by simply using Simpson's rule for integration

  • ChangChunHe/draw_band_dos

    A simple script to draw band structure and DOS diagram

  • DanielYang59/cnn4dos

    MPhil Project at QUT: Convolutional Neural Networks and Volcano Plots: Screening and Prediction of Two-Dimensional Single-Atom Catalysts

  • EgorcaA/qe_helper

    Tool to help you analyze and visualize the results from Quantum Espresso (Band structure BS, DOS, pDOS)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • madvid/PhD_influence_HCN_V_defect_solubility_diffusion_O_in_Ni

    Part of my work realized during the years as a PhD student. I was in the team MEMO of the CIRIMAT lab in Toulouse. I study via a multi-scale approach the influence influence of H, C, N impurities and point defects on the solubility and diffusion of the oxygen in the nickel (fcc phase). My works was under the supervision of Damien Connétable and Daniel Monceau.

  • DuarteME/TL-Fitter

    Interactive fitting routine for thermoluminescence glow curves (either discrete or continuous density of states)

  • eugnsp/vasp_ldos

    Depth-resolved density of states plot for VASP

  • jarvist/Teclo.jl

    Tight Binding calculation of the Density of States of disordered materials

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1301
  • MolSimGroup/velocity reads in GROMACS trr trajectory (that inclides velocity information) and calculates center of mass translational velocity and angular velocity. It also computes translational and rotational kinetic energies, temperatures, velocity autocorrelation functions and power spectra

  • cennanaradipa/VASP

    Post-processing scripts for VASP output files, with focus on gnuplot formats

  • chinchay/GreenPy

    Decimation of the Green function in graphene nanoribbons

  • Enry99/plvasp

    Small tool to plot dos, bandstructure and dos+bandstructure with python's matplotlib, using the files generated by vaspkit

  • gmguarino/IonicLiquidFET

    Calculations of 2DEG accumulation STO ionic liquid gate electric double layer transistors from Masters thesis

  • piskunow/fermi-contours

    Fermi Contours

  • prathamn007/quantum-espresso-projects

    A collection of all my personal Quantum Espresso projects

  • shuangjiezhao/VASP_tool

    VASP_tool is a Python library for analyzing and visualizing VASP output via vaspkit, supporting band structures and DOS plotting with customizable, publication-quality plots.

  • jkglasbrenner/electronic-structure-visualization-demo

    Demonstration of a simple data visualization dashboard for electronic structure data in a Jupyter notebook.
