
There are 6 repositories under deterioration-modeling topic.

  • II-DAP


    IIDAP is a standalone MATLAB-based software capable of performing a variety of dynamic analysis procedures ranging from simple response history analysis to response spectrum and incremental dynamic analyses on single degree-of-freedom systems (SDoF). IIDAP includes a wide-ranging library of SDoF system models ranging from simple non-deteriorating linear and bilinear models to state-of-the-art deteriorating bilinear pinched and peak-oriented responses. A seismic hazard module is also included for the quantification of collapse risk. IIDAP is highly beneficial for both educational and research purposes.

  • dlignos/Modified_IMK_Models

    Contains DLL executables and documentation for the modified Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler deterioration models (Bilinear, Peak-Oriented, Pinching)

  • CivML-PolyMtl/InfrastructuresPlanner

    Benchmark RL environment for infrastructure maintenance planning

  • CivML-PolyMtl/OpenIPDM

    Open source software for infrastructures probabilistic deterioration modelling based on visual inspections.


    The data and products stemming from "Development of a Robust Framework for Assessing Bridge Performance using a Multiple Model Approach"

  • zachamida/InfrastructuresPlanner

    gym-based RL environment for infrastructure maintenance planning