
There are 23 repositories under development-tool topic.

  • fix2015/port-client

    A powerful utility for managing processes on specified ports, including options for checking port status, killing processes, handling multiple ports, enabling interactive mode, and supporting graceful termination.

  • unshopable/melter

    Shopify Theme build tool and plugin manager which lets you create custom directory structures and add custom file transformations to melt anything into Liquid 🫠

  • sizious/dcdis

    dcdis is a very simple Sega Dreamcast disassembler.

  • motea927/unplugin-overlay-layout

    Transform your development workflow with an immersive layout design experience! This Vite plugin revolutionizes your process by seamlessly overlaying different layout images onto your webpage, providing an instant and dynamic preview for efficient design slicing.

  • FelicePollano/FFF

    Fast Find in Files

  • maykonlsf/mocker

    A simple and lightweight tool to create and share mocked services for development or test environment

  • Youssefbaghr/Clixor

    Clixor is a modern command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to streamline the initialization and management of development projects. It offers an intuitive setup process, interactive prompts, and built-in utilities to help developers quickly create and configure new projects with ease.

  • McNarland-Software-Solutions-Inc/Code-Aggregator-for-Windows

    Code Aggregator Windows: A tool designed to aggregate code files from selected directories into a single output file, making it easier to upload and manage code for GPT and other AI models.

  • pH7Software/Hello-World-Module

    The simplest module for pH7CMS made to help developers to understand better how modules work with pH7CMS

  • quintenmbusiness/PhpAstCodeGenerationHelper

    A PHP library for generating Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) nodes programmatically, simplifying code generation with nikic/php-parser.

  • sizious/makeip

    IP creator (makeip) is an utility used for generating homebrew Sega Dreamcast bootstrap files (i.e. IP.BIN) — This project is part of KallistiOS.

  • TheWebSolver/create-wordpress-project

    Create WordPress Project is a modern WordPress development and production toolkit with build process to code-sniff PHP, Style and Scripts. Also, minifies CSS and JS, generates .pot translate file and many more.

  • ARYANKAUSHIK/getting-started-in-5-steps

    How to install and get started with Java, Eclipse, Maven, JUnit, Mockito & Spring in 5 easy steps

  • imacat/obasync

    Office Basic macro source synchronizer.

  • McNarland-Software-Solutions-Inc/Code-Aggregator-for-Linux

    Code Aggregator Linux: A tool designed to aggregate code files from selected directories into a single output file, making it easier to upload and manage code for GPT and other AI models.

  • RedFramework/red-analytics

    The Red Framework - Red Analytics (Development Speed Up Tool)

  • redhat-plumbers-in-action/devel-freezer

    🧊 Notify contributors about ongoing development freeze

  • toxyl/devbox

    DevBox is a lightweight and flexible tool for creating isolated development environments that can be easily configured, managed, and shared across teams.

  • valentinegb/demangle

    CLI tool for quickly demangling a symbol

  • zaerald/ABDT-Eclipse

    👷‍♂️ WIP AnyaBasic Development Tools for Eclipse

  • DeniedAccessLife/CodeLabelTracker

    Program for analyzing the source code of a program with labels, designed to detect and display unused labels.

  • profburke/webserving-made-easy

    A list of various ways to easily serve files via HTTP.

  • qlwszl/qlwszl

    Config files for my GitHub profile.