
There are 34 repositories under devise-gem-extension topic.

  • oivoodoo/devise_masquerade

    Extension for devise, enable login as functionality. Add link to the masquerade_path(resource) and use it.

  • abevoelker/devise-passwordless

    Devise passwordless logins using emailed magic links

  • nejdetkadir/devise-api

    The devise-api gem is a convenient way to add authentication to your Ruby on Rails application using the devise gem. It provides support for access tokens and refresh tokens, which allow you to authenticate API requests and keep the user's session active for a longer period of time on the client side

  • rubyeffect/faceauth

    A simple rails engine to implement authentication using Facial recognition by: Documentation:

  • HFG43/emese_seguros

    EMESE Seguros is an insurance firm app made with Ruby on Rails where the where policyholders can access their monthly policies and check the status of their payments.

  • VanessaAoki/PrivateEvent

    This is the 5th project of Micoverse's Ruby on Rails module, the full description can be found on the Odin Project’s website.

  • HFG43/budget-app

    App made with Ruby on Rails where you are able to manage your spending.

  • anas599/Recipe-app

    Recipe App is a robust and user-friendly recipe application built using Ruby on Rails, leveraging the power of Bootstrap, Devise, and Capybara gems. Seamlessly create, discover, and share recipes with it. It offers a delightful cooking experience with its intuitive interface and extensive features.

  • jonpearse/devise_date_restrictable

    Devise strategy allowing user accounts to only be valid between certain dates.

  • learnwithalfred/advise_mentors

    The Advise Mentors is a classic example of a blog website. We created a fully functional website that show the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts

  • rammazzoti2000/members-only

    An application that allows users to create posts and the authors of the posts are displayed only if, you as a User, are logged in

  • douglasconstancio/bootcamp-ruby

    O projeto foi concebido em uma arquitetura MVC, formado por autenticação/login com Devise, criação de usuários e o usuários consegue adicionar um banco de imagens com a ajuda do ActiveStorage e realizar o processamento de cores da imagem com Sidekiq.

  • nejdetkadir/devise-jwt-starter

    It is a starter for Ruby on Rails API application with devise gem with devise-jwt extension.

  • Adammui/ruby_4_pinb

    rails server for blog app( posts, comments, users with roles and autentification throught web app, token or google; and more)

  • B-Dollar-C/Friends-App

    Friends-App is a web application, where the focal end lies in its Backend. It has been developed in RoR. The app as of now can be used to create a user-oriented and a user-associated friends list. It encompasses the CRUD operations, User Authentication and Admin administration.

  • Gurubalan-GIT/MRA

    A meeting room booking application done in Ruby on Rails with Slim, Coffescript, jQuery, Devise and others.

  • kevanantha/twitter-clone

    Build basic Twitter clone with Ruby On Rails

  • StarSheriff2/members-only

    This is a simple Ruby on Rails project whose purpose was to help us understand how user authentication and authorization work. The Devise gem was used to handle this aspect of the app.

  • AKeeganDev/recipe_app

    This full-stack Ruby on Rails webapp allows users to log in and post their favorite recipes online!

  • heanuea/AlbumRatingApp

    An app that you can chat about and rate your favorite albums

  • JunaydIqbal/friend-app-with-devise

    Devise (Sign in, Register and Forget Password) functionalities a app on Rails to create friends, modify and destroy. The app is just for practice the Rails and explore devise gem on rails. In this project, to learn how to authenticate the pages.

  • rztprog/rails-watch-list

    Rails watch list

  • SvrAdityaReddy/DBS_Project_IP_Asset_Mangement_Portal

    IP Asset Management Portal build on Ruby on Rails

  • Ukaypromise/Recipe-app

    The Recipe app manages your recipes, ingredients, and inventory. It will allow you to save items, keep track of what you have, create recipes, and produce a shopping list based on what you have and what a recipe requires.

  • yersel500/budget_app

    The Budeg App is a mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what.

  • abhimishra01/friendsList-Rails

    This is a Friends Listing Web Application, made for keeping records of all the friends of users logged in

  • alishabab/members-only

    This project is developed in RubyOnRails framework. We implemented the authentication system using the Devise Gem so users can only access areas of a site they are authorized to.

  • djlogan2/kenzan_ruby

    Small project for POC of a REST server in various languages - This one has the added bonus of HTML web pages

  • dumitrux/Rails-Issue-Tracker

    Issue Tracker of Bitbucket in Rails

  • dylanmad/sound-board

    A soundboard spanning 16 pads that allows for custom uploads and log-in capability.

  • mateoolarte/stackoverflow-clone

    [Make it Real][Rails I][Project] Clone app of Stackoverflow with basic features

  • thiagohrcosta/authenticationApp

    A simple application created in rails to study and test authentication using devise.
