
There are 61 repositories under devise-jwt topic.

  • zauberware/rails-devise-graphql

    A Rails 6 boilerplate to create your next Saas product. Preloaded with graphQL, devise, JWT, CanCanCan, RailsAdmin, Rubocop, Rspec, i18n and more.

  • zakariaf/rails-base-app

    An example of Rails 7 and Vue 3 app which is using Vite, and includes Docker configs for building production images and some of the useful tools to start your projects

  • nejdetkadir/devise-api

    The devise-api gem is a convenient way to add authentication to your Ruby on Rails application using the devise gem. It provides support for access tokens and refresh tokens, which allow you to authenticate API requests and keep the user's session active for a longer period of time on the client side

  • osamaashraf6/Blog-App

    An intuitive blog app built with Rails and CSS, with authorization managed by Cancancan. Users can create an account, publish posts, and comment on other users' posts. The app also features a search function, allowing users to search for posts by title or content.

  • Reem-lab/house-booking-back-end

    This is a Ruby on Rails API part of a full-stack project called "Rent me". This project is based on an app to book an appointment to rent a house. You can see different types of houses and you can see the details for each house then you can reserve an appointment to the specific house that you also choose you can see all your reservations on a separate page. The user also can add and delete a house.

  • luca-montaigut/api_rails_6_boilerplate

    postgresql + authentication with devise-jwt + namespace for versionning

  • Miliyonayalew/Marriott-Reservation-Backend

    MARRIOT HOTEL RESERVATIONS APP is an app that allows users to book a room in a marriot hotel. Users can see a list of available rooms, and can book a room for a specific date range. Users can also see their reservations and delete them.

  • nejdetkadir/universities-in-turkey-api

    Universities in Turkey. It is an unofficial API. Official source :

  • Sahar-AbdelSamad/house-booking-back-end

    This is the backend of the "Rent me" project. It is based on an app where users can rent a house, and contains documentation for the API made with Postman.

  • Chrissiku/rails-api-authentication-crud

    A REST API build with Rails 7.0.4

  • algerina/rent-yacht-frontend

    This is a Web application where users should sign in to rent a Yacht from a list then reserve it for a determined period, users can then see their reservations or cancel them.

  • omarsalem7/capstone-back-end

    Golf reservations backend is rails backend application for Golf book reservations. This applications take works for API endpoints and users can load, create, and delete courses and reservations. Users need to sign up or sign in to access the API endpoints. They can sign up or sign in using the API endpoints.

  • Tufahel/book-dirt-bike-back-end

    Dirt Bikes is an application to book dirt bikes for rent. The user will be able to choose a bike according to his preferences and book a period during which he will use the desired bike.

  • AKeeganDev/client_relationship_manager_back_end

    A fully functional REST API for a client relationship manager front end. This project features JWT authentication as well.

  • ArnaudBand/login_react

    Signup, login and logout fecth from rails api using devise jwt

  • task-tracker-backend-api


    This JSON RESTful API is the back-end side of the "Daily routines tracker" application that allows you to track your daily tasks.

  • nejdetkadir/devise-jwt-starter

    It is a starter for Ruby on Rails API application with devise gem with devise-jwt extension.

  • Baroka-wp/sinatraBlog

    A RoR Blog project. Creating a fully functional website that shows the list of posts and empowers readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts. The application also provides an endpoint for user authentication.

  • Bria222/Budget-app

    this project is about building a mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what. You will create a Ruby on Rails application that allows the user to: register and log in,

  • christianonoh/vecs-school-backend

    This repo contains the backend system for VECS School's course booking platform. The system is designed to facilitate the booking of courses by allowing users to specify their city and preferred dates. It provides a set of robust and well-documented endpoints that enable seamless communication between the frontend applications & the backend server.

  • christophweegen/devise-jwt-test-helpers

    Test helpers for the "devise-jwt" gem:

  • daudi13/bookstoreAuthApi

    This is the backend for the bookstorecms project

  • fmanimashaun/book-car-api

    BookCar RESTful API for the BookACar reservation application, enabling car data management, reservations, and user authentication. Developed as the Microverse Full-Stack Web Development Capstone Project, demonstrating Ruby on Rails, React, database design, API development, and collaboration skills.

  • Haywayaheadshot/arha_deals_backend

    Arha-Deals Backend is the back-end of this - ( front-end e-commerce web application. It sends data containing phones, baby products, and reels with their respective API's. It also holds user data when they register.

  • Kwentsir/Food-Recipe-App

    Your entire recipe collection, inventories, and ingredients are all tracked by the Food Recipe App. You can create recipes, record ingredients, keep track of what you have, build shopping lists based on what you have and what a recipe calls for, and save ingredients.

  • Mhdez221993/dance_club_api

    This API offers service to a react application that books and displays dance class appointments

  • MiguelArgentina/ror-appointments-api

    This is a RESTful API to handle and report appointments between clients and providers. Security is handled with devise gem and using JWT.

  • olawale-o/rails_blog_app

    "Rails Blog App" a fully functional website that will show the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts.

  • rica213/pay_equity

    It is a web application that empowers individuals to track and compare their salaries and benefits with others in their industry, location, and experience level anonymously.

  • louro-ines/devise-jwt-api

    devise-jwt api only to authenticate users with Ruby on Rails

  • louro-ines/devise-jwt-cli

    React Redux user authentication with rails-api and devise-jwt

  • RhysMalyon/shiro-rails

    Rails implementation of a Node.js API I created in 2023 as a side project for a friend's business. Used as a testing ground to get reacquainted with Ruby / Rails and JWT authentication, as well as picking up RSpec for testing.

  • ricardoliveira5ro/PathwayAPI

    PathwayAPI is designed to help users create, manage and track personalized roadmaps breaking them down into manageable steps

  • bhushan354/Reservation-App-Backend

    The Full-Stack-Capstone-Backend is an API application for managing car rental vehicle databases.

  • cassiosantana/rails_jwt_auth

    Rail API JWT Authentication

  • zunairkhan811/Hotel-Booking

    Hi! This is our Hotel Booking Project. In this project both Rails is used as backend and React is used as frontend. Project is made according to the requirements in the form of Pair Programming.
