
There are 92 repositories under devise-token-auth topic.

  • neroniaky/angular-token

    :key: Token based authentication service for Angular with interceptor and multi-user support. Works best with devise token auth for Rails. Example:

  • graphql-devise/graphql_devise

    GraphQL interface on top devise_token_auth

  • nejdetkadir/devise-api

    The devise-api gem is a convenient way to add authentication to your Ruby on Rails application using the devise gem. It provides support for access tokens and refresh tokens, which allow you to authenticate API requests and keep the user's session active for a longer period of time on the client side

  • rootstrap/apple_auth

    Complete Ruby gem for Sign in with Apple. Actively maintained by

  • ezekg/example-rails-api-key-authentication

    Example of implementing API key authentication in Ruby on Rails without Devise

  • saitoxu/react-devise-token-auth-sample

    React on Rails using devise_token_auth for authentication

  • storres20/Recipe-App

    The Recipe app keeps track of all your recipes, ingredients, and inventory. It will allow you to save ingredients, keep track of what you have, create recipes, and generate a shopping list based on what you have and what you are missing from a recipe. Built with: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap

  • apt2tell/budget-app

    budget app helps `users` to manage their budgets. It has a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what. It is built on Rails using `Rubygem` as software packages system.

  • ClaudiaRojasSoto/Recipe_App

    An all-in-one culinary assistant 🍽. Save recipes, track ingredients, and generate shopping lists. Share your favorite recipes publicly for everyone to enjoy!

  • VelzckC0D3/Blog_App_Rails

    For this milestone I built a Blog App with ruby on rails, it uses authentication with Devise and authorization with CanCanCan, all the interaction made within the site it's real-time adapted to a built Database, it also haves all the main models and views tested with Rspec and Capybara

  • Reem-lab/budget-app

    Budget app is about building a mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what

  • german-zarate/rent-home-now-api

    Rent Home Now API is RESTful API that facilitates the connection between property owners interested in renting out their properties and potential renters. The API allows for the creation of reservations on selected properties. It has been developed using the Ruby on Rails framework and uses a PostgreSQL database.

  • peimelo/blog_api

    Ruby on Rails 6 course as API showing authentication via devise_token_auth.

  • shahadat3669/rent-home-now-api

    Rent Home Now API is RESTful API that facilitates the connection between property owners interested in renting out their properties and potential renters. The API allows for the creation of reservations on selected properties. It has been developed using the Ruby on Rails framework and uses a PostgreSQL database.

  • learning-devs/devise_token_auth_demo

    Aplicación demo Devise Token Auth

  • NATASHA-ct/recipe_app_rails

    The Recipe app keeps track of all your recipes, ingredients, and inventory. It will allow you to save ingredients, keep track of what you have, create recipes, and generate a shopping list based on what you have and what you are missing from a recipe.

  • peimelo/controlled_health_api

    Controlled Health website API built with Ruby on Rails 6 as API and using devise_token_auth.

  • remy727/nuxt-auth-with-devise-token-auth

    Nuxt Auth Using Devise Token Auth

  • stephenkati/gaming_console_reservation_back_end

    Gaming_console_reservation_back_end is a backend rails api that provides service to the front-end react app to fetch data for gaming console reservation.

  • trace-kadenyi/rails_budget_app

    SmartMoney is a mobile web application to manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what. The Rails application allows the user to: register and log in. add new transactions for a category, see the expense on each category

  • AKeeganDev/client_relationship_manager_back_end

    A fully functional REST API for a client relationship manager front end. This project features JWT authentication as well.

  • ArnaudBand/login_react

    Signup, login and logout fecth from rails api using devise jwt

  • geekelo/oilchem-certificate_portal_api

    A backend API for Oilchem Mud School to serve as a certiicate portal for Alumnis

  • yashjshah/saas-project-app

    A project management tool to help your team keep track of your projects and project files

  • cliftondavies/HAP-API

    The Ruby on Rails REST API for Hikes Against Poverty.

  • eapenzacharias/pick-a-doctor

    Pick a doctor is a website helping you find doctors that belong to a specific specialization in no time and allows you to book appointments with them easily.

  • Gedewon/BlogApp

    The Blog app will be a classic example of a blog website. It's a fully functional website that shows a list of posts and empowers readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts.

  • KyunginNa/kitty_news_api

    API built with ruby on rails for kitty_news_client_user and kitty_news_client_admin. Using Devise Token Auth for authentication and Stripe-rails for providing a subscription plan.

  • KyunginNa/tuneshare_api

    An API built with ruby on rails for tuneshare_client. Using Devise Token Auth gem for authentication and RSpotify gem to get music data from Spotify.

  • RichardChileya/DavRich-Recipe-App

    This project is a recipe application built using Ruby on Rails. The application is designed to allow users to browse through a collection of recipes, save their favorites, and create and share their own recipes with the community. User authentication is provided by Devise and Authorization by cancancan

  • rithreaksa/flixcloud_api

    This is an API application, written with Ruby on Rails and employed Movie Database as an external API for movie data, that provides visitors with an ability to see the latest popular movies.

  • Said-laasri/Cooking_Recipes

    The Recipe app keeps track of all your recipes, ingredients, and inventory. It will allow you to save ingredients, keep track of what you have, create recipes, and generate a shopping list based on what you have and what you are missing from a recipe. Also, since sharing recipes is an important part of cooking the app allows you to make them public

  • salindholm/kitty_news_api

    This is the API of a fullstack project that consists of three clients: user, admin and mobile. All being dealt with by a single API. Built with Ruby on Rails and tested with RSpec.

  • salindholm/tuneshare_api

    This is the API of our final project that concluded our time as Students at Craft Academy. Tuneshare is built in Ruby and tested with RSpec.

  • thelokys/ecommerce-api

    BootCamp OnebitCode

  • yaasir007/Parkium

    The parking system project is a web application designed to simplify parking management using a combination of JavaScript, Rails, Ruby, Webpack, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SCSS, and Devise template.
