
There are 18 repositories under diffraction-pattern topic.

  • diffractsim


    ✨ A flexible diffraction simulator for exploring and visualizing physical optics.

  • realbloom


    🌠 Bloom Simulation Software for Windows

  • apetsiuk/4F-Optical-Correlator-Simulation

    A Matlab simulation for a 4F Correlator system which is based on the Fourier transforming properties of lenses.

  • cwgoddard/Image-Reconstruction

    Image reconstruction from a diffraction pattern

  • FABLE-3DXRD/xrd_simulator

    Tools for simulating x-ray diffraction. Detailed documentation is found at the below link.

  • douglase/poppy_example_notebooks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5215
  • RealPolitiX/peakfind2D

    A peak-finding routine in Matlab for (electron) diffraction images

  • rusruskov/uraperture

    A python script for computing the diffraction pattern from an aperture image file.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2000
  • Tara-Biddle/Diffraction-Pattern-Python-Analysis

    Diffraction Pattern Python Analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • hellpig/phasor-addition-from-slits

    functions to study the interference of light waves that emerge in phase from equal-width evenly-spaced slits assuming a screen is far away relative to slit spacing

  • octavianc27/py-spectrum

    Two Python notebooks for analyzing images of Hg and He lamps taken with the help of a diffraction grating. The first notebook uses to calibrate the model using the Hg lamp, while the second measures the He spectrum and compares the obtained wavelengths with the known values.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • AdamCorrao/GuidedIntegration

    Guided automated integration of 2D images to 1D patterns using pyFAI

  • aimat-lab/xrdpattern

    Python library for XrdPatterns including file import, file export and postprocessing functionalities

  • elfabx/pxv

    viewer for powder diffraction data

  • matteomasto/Patching_DL

    Deep Learning model for the Inpainting of Bragg Coherent Diffraction patterns affected by detectors gaps

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • MoSol-git/2d-LiveDiffractionPattern

    This educational program shows live diffraction patterns obtained by a webcam or other video sources. It can be used for educational purposes, as students can see the input and output at the same time. A desired pattern such as random, periodic, FCC, BCC, Hexagonal etc., can simply be drawn on a piece of paper, and by holding it in front of the camera, the resulting diffraction pattern can be seen. With a sufficient amount of light illuminating the subject, the signal to noise ratio will be higher.

  • TauferLab/XPSI

    Framework for identifying protein structural properties from diffraction patterns.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook30