
There are 152 repositories under dip topic.

  • solidbook


    Book about the SOLID principles and object-oriented software design.

  • Si13n7/ImageToIcon

    :rowboat: Convert your image to ICO format

  • keeps/roda

    RODA - Repository of Authentic Digital Objects

  • palkan/downstream

    Straightforward way to implement communication between Rails Engines using the Publish-Subscribe pattern.

  • dudley-fitzgerald/d2geo

    Framework for computing seismic attributes with Python.

  • MinaFaried3/SOLID-Principles

    SOLID Principles is a coding standard that all developers should have a clear concept for developing software in a proper way to avoid a bad design .it is used across the object-oriented design spectrum. When applied properly it makes your code more extendable, logical and easier to read.

  • ozgurkara99/ISNAS-DIP

    ISNAS-DIP: Image Specific Neural Architecture Search for Deep Image Prior [CVPR 2022]

    Language:Jupyter Notebook31354
  • sedaboni/ADMM-DIPTV

    Combining Weighted Total Variation and Deep Image Prior for natural and medical image restoration via ADMM (2021)

  • SaumyaRawat/Semantic-Aware-Colour-Transfer

    Implementation of the paper : Sky is Not the Limit: Semantic-Aware Sky Replacement

  • Seyed-Ali-Ahmadi/Digital-Image-Processing

    This is a course depository from K. N. Toosi University of Technology. The course is Digital Image Processing taught by Dr. Yasser Maqsoudi and Seyed Ali Ahmadi in geomatics faculty of K.N.T. University of technology. The course material is currently uploaded in Google Classroom, but we are considering to distribute some of the material here for public usage. You can use the codes and theories of digital image processing freely with no licences; but using the slides and other copyrighted material without making citations is forbidden.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook27217
  • softpeanut/dul-dul-dul

    Archive of Domain Driven Design - The Methodology for linking Business to Software

  • CCA-Public/scope

    SCOPE: An access interface for DIPs from Archivematica

  • bibendi/dip-example-rails

    Example modern Rails application running by Dip.

  • Wilson-ZheLin/Introduction-to-Digital-Image-Processing

    A Comprehensive Tutorials on Digital Image Processing

  • kevinczhou/deep-prior-diffraction-tomography

    3D reconstruction code for deep prior diffraction tomography

  • luisdavidd/imageprocessing_set6

    This is a jupyter notebook with 8 different solutions for common problems of digital image processing, including object recognition and binarization using adaptative threshold.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook16103
  • andremsouza/dip-project-business-card-recognition

    This project aims to build a digital business card wallet, as a mobile application. This application basically can take a picture of a business card, automatically extracting information about the card, and saves it in the user's digital wallet.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15394
  • bcgov/nifi-atlas

    A bridge to Apache Atlas for provenance metadata created in course of using Apache NiFi

  • Dheeraj-02NK/Digital-Image-Processing-and-Computer-Vision

    Computer vision and digital image processing are fields that involve analyzing and manipulating visual data using computers. Computer vision focuses on enabling machines to understand and interpret visual information, while digital image processing involves manipulating and enhancing digital images.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12200
  • HongZhaoHua/jstarcraft-dip

    专注于解决数字图像处理领域的几个核心问题:图像转换,图像相似度,目标定位,目标检测,图像分割,图像聚类和图像分类. 为相关领域的研发人员提供完整的通用设计与参考实现. 涵盖了多种数字图像处理,计算机视觉,计算机图形算法.

  • pbplop29/ECE_Calculators

    Different calculators made to solve problems for ECE subjects

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12100
  • jonathanrjpereira/Basic-Implementation-of-Digital-Image-Processing-in-MATLAB

    Performing Basic Image Processing & Analysis using the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox

  • mo7amedaliEbaid/news_clean_arch_bloc

    news app - clean architecture

  • SongulSYTRK/NewsBlogProject

    In this project,I will create a NewsBlog by using Model View Controller design in .NetCore. AppUser can add İmage and automatically ImageResizer will cropted image .

  • sorelyss/PDI

    Solutions to the problem sets of a DIP course @ Uninorte

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8121
  • bkw777/Molex78802_Module

    PCB and 3d-printable model to fit in the Molex 78805 DIP-24, DIP-28, and DIP-32 sockets found in some vintage computers and industrial applications.


    E-ARK DIP Specification

  • fritzmark/CleanCodeCheatSheetJson

    Easily parsable clean code cheat sheet V 2.4. Based on the work of Urs Enzler.

  • langgithub/DesignPattern

    java 23种设计模式 开闭原则 依赖倒转原则 迪米特法则 设计模式** Java入门demo

  • swojdyga/TypeScript-Injections

    TypeScript Injections is a dependency injection library, which move responsibility from producer to customer.

  • Ali-Ahmadi/Digital-Image-Processing

    This is a course depository from K. N. Toosi University of Technology. The course is Digital Image Processing taught by Dr. Yasser Maqsoudi and Seyed Ali Ahmadi in geomatics faculty of K.N.T. University of technology. The course material is currently uploaded in Google Classroom, but we are considering to distribute some of the material here for public usage. You can use the codes and theories of digital image processing freely with no licences; but using the slides and other copyrighted material without making citations is forbidden.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6300
  • anishLearnsToCode/image2sketch

    Converts a 2D Color Image 🖼 into a Hand drawn Sketch ✏ Using Novel Technique.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook630
  • demokratie-live/bt-dip-sdk

    Dokumentations- und Informationssystems für Parlamentsmaterialien (DIP) – Bundestag – TypeScript Client

  • Easonyesheng/DIP_GUI

    a GUI to perform Digital Image Process

  • vasily-popov/emplesSwift

    Demo iOS applications built to highlight MVC/MVP/MVVM (RxSwift) and Clean Architecture (VIPER) concepts using Swift
